HTML Editor - Save All Requires Clicking on All Tabs
For example I have 8 html tabs open and I make a Find and Replace (ctrl+h) change to all of them. If I "Save All" of them and update my files via ftp, the changes are not made. I have to click on all tabs that have had changes made and then Save All in order for them to save changes made. This is a lot of unnecessary clicking and takes a significant amount of time when the functions of Find and Replace and Save All are supposed to save time. How do I fix this? TIA
For example I have 8 html tabs open and I make a Find and Replace (ctrl+h) change to all of them. If I "Save All" of them and update my files via ftp, the changes are not made. I have to click on all tabs that have had changes made and then Save All in order for them to save changes made. This is a lot of unnecessary clicking and takes a significant amount of time when the functions of Find and Replace and Save All are supposed to save time. How do I fix this? TIA
If you use Save All and then close and re-open each file, are the changed saved?
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No they are not. The only way to save the changes after Find and Replace is to click on every single tab. All of the tabs show the little star which means they've been changed but until you click on every one the change is not made. I have been doing it this way for over a year and just upgraded to 14.1 thinking that would help.
Rafael Hoyos wrote:
No they are not. The only way to save the changes after Find and Replace is to click on every single tab. All of the tabs show the little star which means they've been changed but until you click on every one the change is not made. I have been doing it this way for over a year and just upgraded to 14.1 thinking that would help.
No they are not. The only way to save the changes after Find and Replace is to click on every single tab. All of the tabs show the little star which means they've been changed but until you click on every one the change is not made. I have been doing it this way for over a year and just upgraded to 14.1 thinking that would help.
I have tried a few different ways to replicate this, but I cannot. Where are your files stored? I have mine in a folder inside of my Documents folder. I tried with 5 up to 75 files open at the same time and the Save All always worked. I also tried this with version 12 (which was the previous version) and it still works there as well.
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I have mine in a folder on my desktop and my friend has the older version 12 and keeps his files in a folder inside my docs and also has same problem.
Rafael Hoyos wrote:
I have mine in a folder on my desktop and my friend has the older version 12 and keeps his files in a folder inside my docs and also has same problem.
I have mine in a folder on my desktop and my friend has the older version 12 and keeps his files in a folder inside my docs and also has same problem.
Not sure I have any suggestions there but I will mention it to our developers. Once we can replicate the issue, I am sure we can correct it.
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If I save all, all the little stars go away, but it seems the actual change is only made once you physically click on a tab. So if I save all and upload files, then files don't have changes, with one exception - the one I'm working in. Once I click on them and save again then they're updated.
Our workaround has always tediously been to make mass changes, click on every single tab (which can be many at times), and THEN Save All.
Our workaround has always tediously been to make mass changes, click on every single tab (which can be many at times), and THEN Save All.
I have had the same experience as Rafael with the sequence 'Replace All (All Open Docs)/Save All' and the problem replicates consistently for test cases I tried out just now (using Version 14.1 Build 741 and Windows7 Professional, 32bit):
1. Opened nine files in the Editor. The files are of moderate size, contain mainly HTML and have .php extensions. They are located in: My Documents > Coffeecup Software > HTML Editor > Projects > Tests > save-all
2. Selected a short phrase that appears twice in each of the nine files and replaced it with a similar but different phrase in the 'Replace' popup. Checked the box for 'All Open Documents'. (See screenshot)
3. Clicked on 'Replace All' and all file tabs show the asterisk indicating unsaved changes.
4. Clicked on the toolbar icon for 'Save All' and the asterisks disappear.
5. Closed the program (and thereby all tabs)
6. Restarted the Editor and opened the same nine files: The phrase had only been replaced in the first file, i.e. the only one that was 'active' in previous steps. No replacement had been done in the remaining eight files.
This has been a perennial issue that has cropped up in various guises over recent months and years. Sometimes expressed as an issue with 'Find/Replace All' and sometimes as an issue with the 'Save All' operation. I thought it was a 'Save All' issue, so my workaround has been to save the files individually with 'Ctrl-S', while quickly clicking through the tabs. Based on Rafael's description, though, it seems to be an issue with the 'Replace' operation, that apparently is not activated until each tab is made active by clicking on it. My workaround still made things work, though, since it involved clicking on each tab before using 'Ctrl-S' to save.
I suspect that this 'activation by making the tab active' may also be the reason for difficulties in replicating the problem: If you do the 'Replace All' and then - before saving - go through all tabs to check that the replacement has actually been done, then you activate the replacement and everything looks OK. You would have to do a 'Save All' - without first clicking on the individual tabs - for the files to be saved with no replacement having been made.
This problem - or similar - was mentioned in the forums for version 12.x, and appeared to have been fixed in a later version (?). It seems to then have reappeared in v.14. Or, maybe it's been there all along since v.12 ?
Here are some results from a forum search of 'Replace All':
(Nov 11, 2014) … ditor-125/
(Oct 15, 2014) … correctly/
(Sep 22, 2014) … place-all/
(Nov 30, 2013) … h-replace/
(Nov 4, 2013) … ple-files/
(Jan 15, 2012) … post178039
(May 22, 2012) … cing-text/
1. Opened nine files in the Editor. The files are of moderate size, contain mainly HTML and have .php extensions. They are located in: My Documents > Coffeecup Software > HTML Editor > Projects > Tests > save-all
2. Selected a short phrase that appears twice in each of the nine files and replaced it with a similar but different phrase in the 'Replace' popup. Checked the box for 'All Open Documents'. (See screenshot)
3. Clicked on 'Replace All' and all file tabs show the asterisk indicating unsaved changes.
4. Clicked on the toolbar icon for 'Save All' and the asterisks disappear.
5. Closed the program (and thereby all tabs)
6. Restarted the Editor and opened the same nine files: The phrase had only been replaced in the first file, i.e. the only one that was 'active' in previous steps. No replacement had been done in the remaining eight files.
This has been a perennial issue that has cropped up in various guises over recent months and years. Sometimes expressed as an issue with 'Find/Replace All' and sometimes as an issue with the 'Save All' operation. I thought it was a 'Save All' issue, so my workaround has been to save the files individually with 'Ctrl-S', while quickly clicking through the tabs. Based on Rafael's description, though, it seems to be an issue with the 'Replace' operation, that apparently is not activated until each tab is made active by clicking on it. My workaround still made things work, though, since it involved clicking on each tab before using 'Ctrl-S' to save.
Scott Swedorski wrote:
Not sure I have any suggestions there but I will mention it to our developers. Once we can replicate the issue, I am sure we can correct it.
Not sure I have any suggestions there but I will mention it to our developers. Once we can replicate the issue, I am sure we can correct it.
I suspect that this 'activation by making the tab active' may also be the reason for difficulties in replicating the problem: If you do the 'Replace All' and then - before saving - go through all tabs to check that the replacement has actually been done, then you activate the replacement and everything looks OK. You would have to do a 'Save All' - without first clicking on the individual tabs - for the files to be saved with no replacement having been made.
This problem - or similar - was mentioned in the forums for version 12.x, and appeared to have been fixed in a later version (?). It seems to then have reappeared in v.14. Or, maybe it's been there all along since v.12 ?
Here are some results from a forum search of 'Replace All':
(Nov 11, 2014) … ditor-125/
(Oct 15, 2014) … correctly/
(Sep 22, 2014) … place-all/
(Nov 30, 2013) … h-replace/
(Nov 4, 2013) … ple-files/
(Jan 15, 2012) … post178039
(May 22, 2012) … cing-text/
This hasn't been resolved and it also does not show in My Support section. Should I give up?
Rafael Hoyos wrote:
This hasn't been resolved and it also does not show in My Support section. Should I give up?
This hasn't been resolved and it also does not show in My Support section. Should I give up?
You are in the forums, so it will not show up in your support room. As to your question, see my original response here at … post242074
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