If you open a CSS file alone without any other HTML files open and you hit the preview button you see the basic setup of the CSS as far as what the text will look like, the background and text and link colors etc. Shows a nice listing of what they will look like. That's all fine and well and that's how I've always seen the CSS file preview but....
Today I learned that there's another feature to the CSS preview and that's if you open an HTML File along with the CSS file. Then instead of seeing the typical listing of the styles you'll see that HTML page instead. What's so great about that you ask? You can see that by looking at the HTML page itself you say? Well.... it's real time editing preview of the CSS is what's different.
This means... open the CSS file "and" your index.html file (or any html page that is connected to that CSS file), hit the Preview button for the CSS file, minimize the Preview window and the HTML Editor window so you can edit the CSS file and see the CSS file preview (or however you prefer to have both open to see at the same time). Now make changes in your CSS code and Poof! You see the changes instantly in the CSS Preview window!
No more swapping to the CSS file, make changes, save it, swap back to the HTML file, open the preview window.... Lots of steps saved here.
Isn't exactly the feature you're asking for in this thread, but thought I'd share this neat little feature discovered today.