Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

Wim de Boevere wrote:
When clicking on a start or end tag, it would be very helpfull to have both the corresponding start and end tag highlighted. I'm missing this feature in HTML editor which is present in many other code editors.

Just adding my vote for this, case anyone is keeping tabs... ;)
User 122279 Photo

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14,596 posts

Yeah, me too...
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2073552 Photo

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Motion passed...

Get to it Scott. :P
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Agreed, I would love to see any and all end tags highlighted also when you highlight a beginning tag. That would be soooo helpful.
User 187934 Photo

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20,258 posts

I'll back you up JoAnn. This would be awesome.:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2245512 Photo

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I do a lot of PHP programming, and I'd really like to see a "bracket pairing" feature in the editor. Sometimes scripts become quite lengthy with nested levels of brackets. Finding a missing bracket, or why a particular piece of code is being executed or falling through is oft times difficult and time consuming.

Having the editor highlight the matching bracket (I believe Dreamweaver does such a thing) would be useful.

Not sure if this has been covered previously, or perhaps is even possible already, so I just thought I'd through it out there.


User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would also like to see an auto close tag feature. In other words when you type <p> it automatically follows with </p> and so on for all tags. ** Already there **

I would also like to reiterate the suggestion made yesterday by another user to add an area at the top of the Code and Characters tabs to have a sort of Favorites section. Maybe even a separate tab for favorites? Something we could arrange ourselves (drag and drop organization would be great).
This would be for adding tags and characters that we use frequently so we don't have to hunt them down on the lists each time.

I would also like to see a button for the CSS comment tags. We have one for the HTML Comment, but not for CSS. I don't see anywhere that the CSS comment is at all even. Would be nice to be able to highlight a section of CSS and comment it out with the click of a tag in the Code Tree or a button on our Toolbar, either one would be great. I don't see it on the Code tab at all either. The HTML one is on all the HTML sections right at the top of the tree. Could we get the CSS one added default to the list too please in the CSS sections? ** DONE **
User 469268 Photo

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82 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
I would also like to see an auto close tag feature. In other words when you type <p> it automatically follows with </p> and so on for all tags.

I would also like to reiterate the suggestion made yesterday by another user to add an area at the top of the Code and Characters tabs to have a sort of Favorites section. Maybe even a separate tab for favorites? Something we could arrange ourselves (drag and drop organization would be great).
This would be for adding tags and characters that we use frequently so we don't have to hunt them down on the lists each time.

I would also like to see a button for the CSS comment tags. We have one for the HTML Comment, but not for CSS. I don't see anywhere that the CSS comment is at all even. Would be nice to be able to highlight a section of CSS and comment it out with the click of a tag in the Code Tree or a button on our Toolbar, either one would be great. I don't see it on the Code tab at all either. The HTML one is on all the HTML sections right at the top of the tree. Could we get the CSS one added default to the list too please in the CSS sections?

Yes! Yes! Yes! I had to stick that into my "snippets" section /* css comment */ because once you get into some of the new CSS3 you really need to keep good comments as to what your classes do. It clearly should have the same status as HTML Comments and be a standard....
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Annnddd Onnnneee Mooorrreee lol

I would really really extremely really (I'm kicking my son in the butt right now as he's the reason I need this lol) need to have the ability to go to previous or revers the direction when doing a replace. I can't count right now today how many times I have passed up one of the things I needed to replace. Doing manual replaces this would be for, things that aren't easily mass replaced. You can only go in one direction, down. Most programs that have a Replace function allow you to either tick a radio button to change the direction from Down to Up or have a Previous button along with the Next button. I would love to see the radio button tick myself as it's less apt to clicking the wrong button.
User 413502 Photo

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7 posts

So many things are needed in the Find & Replace and/or Find feature....

1. My old editor popped up the F&R window, but still allowed me to touch the page under it. This was great, I could go from the page to the tool and back again. Also important along these lines - I could go to another file's tab and my F&R window was there with me waiting for me to click OK and run it, or for me to close it if I were done.

2. When I opened the F&R it would hold my last search until the program was closed. I might think I'd found 'em all, but if I didn't my last search pops up with the F&R window still filled in = perfect!

3. Before I opened the F&R I would select/highlight a string, then when I open F&R that string is captured in the Find text field box. This was how I included lines with <br> (blank lines) in them. ** This is already a feature **

4. Reverse direction, and prompt to continue. These are two different things really. But they both enable precise replacements. I would start in a location on the page with search down selected, when it got to the end of the page it would ask me if I wanted to continue from the beginning. This prevented changing of the page headers, scripts, etc. which were above where I started from.

5. Item Count - This one is huge! Some times I think oh I have a few replacements to do, then bam! HS would report back that it had replaced 153 occurrences - yikes! Because of this info (how many replacements had been made) I was armed with the knowledge I needed to go back and look into what happened, knowing that the number was to high or two low. I must have this feature, otherwise I'm flying blind.

The problems I have with the CC F&R feature alone kept me from buying CC html editor for years! It's just that important.

Please Please Please - make revamping the Find (& Replace) feature #1 on the To Do List ?

------------------------------------------- Next

Regarding The Code Tab - I would love it to allow me to reorder the tags, changing their current alpha-ordering. A selection in the Preferences to order them based on their popularity (most often used at the top). I want all the code on the tab, with most used at the top and never used at the bottom regardless of where they appear in a dictionary. *** DONE ***

------------------------------------------- Next

Tabs - When a file is changed and not saved I'd love the tab-title to appear bold and a different color, once saved it can return to standard appearance. ** DONE - Uses asterisk for recognizing unsaved files now **

Thank You for all You Do

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