Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

User 45480 Photo

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30 posts

Would love to be able to click on a class in the HTML code and either navigate directly to the class within the Stylesheet or even better, see the class along with the properties in the class inside of the CSS Wizard or something along those lines. I raised this question in the HTML Editor forum because at my office we have a few Dreamweaver users that I would like to get comfortable with CC HTML Editor and we use a fair amount of CSS in our sites. A lot of these users are comfortable with Dreamweaver and how you can select a class in the Dreamweaver editor and see the class properties right in the CSS pane/window in order to make edits. There's not much switching and searching code for them. In CC HTML Editor I can only see the class name in the code and then I have to manually open the stylesheet and then search for the class name in order to modify the properties. This is fine for me, but for those users who aren't too comfortable with a code editor, I can see this as being to overwhelming. Just an ideas and from the responses in my post in the other forum (see below link), I'm not alone in wanting to see this feature.

User 45480 Photo

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30 posts

Would like to be able to upload to a network share or LAN or an FTP site using CC HTML Editor (and the new Web Editor for OSX). At the office we host all of our sites in house so we do not go though FTP to upload. We copy the files right to the server from our network. I know I can just copy the files manually from Windows Explorer, but that's extra steps and we end up using Dreamweaver to handle it. I would love to migrate completely from Dreamweaver to CoffeeCup HTML on the PC.
User 469268 Photo

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82 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Annnddd Onnnneee Mooorrreee lol

I would really really extremely really (I'm kicking my son in the butt right now as he's the reason I need this lol) need to have the ability to go to previous or revers the direction when doing a replace. I can't count right now today how many times I have passed up one of the things I needed to replace. Doing manual replaces this would be for, things that aren't easily mass replaced. You can only go in one direction, down. Most programs that have a Replace function allow you to either tick a radio button to[br] change the direction from Down to Up or have a Previous button along with the Next button[/br]. I would love to see the radio button tick myself as it's less apt to clicking the wrong button.

Yes, scan forward and backward! If we are voting, I will go for that-save a lot of time....
User 453426 Photo

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64 posts

The ability to collapse or minimize sections of code with a small + or - in the gutter
the minimized code would show the first line to let you know what piece it was
Ex: <div id="name" class="className"... >

while the expanded code would be whatever is in the div through the matching tag

and speaking of matching tags, bracket and brace highlighting would be nice, as well as starting and ending tag highlighting :)
User 122279 Photo

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14,596 posts

I agree completely. And we have asked for it before.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 38401 Photo

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Brian that would be an extremely awesome addition, and definitely I've seen it asked for before also. Let's hope the team is watching :)
User 453426 Photo

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64 posts

a way to customize the "Code Cleaner" function would be nice.

i receive product copy in microsoft word documents all the time. it would be nice to customize the code cleaner functions to tell it to convert long dashes to &mdash; or the fancy quotes to regular, along with fractions, custom characters, etc
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Is it possible to either not have the spell check affect the CSS files, or give a toggle in the settings for if we want it or not? Although the spell check works great in the HTML file and doesn't pick up the code for the most part, in the CSS file it picks up a lot of the code as spelling issues which is distracting. :)

User 2073552 Photo

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A few things...

First, there is a HTML Validation link under the Documents menu but no CSS Validation. - This is just a reminder as CC has said they have added it to the "To Add List".

Second- Someone was asking about how to highlight a few line of code for copying.. Which I just found in the HTML Builder if you look to the right of your Line numbers you will see a VERY small line, which I believe is the highlight line, if I move my mouse to that line I am able to highlight the entire line with one click, I am asking that that line be enlarged a little so it makes it easy to highlight a single line..

Thirdly, I would like an option that would allow me to have a highlight on the entire line my cursor is currently on. Like a yellow background or light blue or what ever I wanted to set it to or if I did not want it at all...

**** This one has been added! Marked as Done. :D**** Lastly the command ctrl+shift+c to insert a comment only works for HTML and it inserts <!-- --> but when I am in CSS it would be easier for me to hit a keyboard command then to type /* */ With this I do not need a box to pop up that allows me to type my comment, I just need a keyboard shortcut that automatically inserts /* */ into the document. OR even better if I were allow to set my own keyboard shortcuts...

Hope this is not to much to ask...
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I'd like to add to the separation of CSS and HTML with the tabbing settings. Tabs seem to follow the same rules for both HTML and CSS and truly it's extremely frustrating in the CSS pages to have to constantly adjust my tabs on the page.

CSS really has one (maybe 2 max but so far I've only ever seen 1) tab setting and it's always the same all the way down the page ... but ...

If you tab inside one tag, then go to the next tag it's using the rules in the preferences and tabbing spaces that are uneeded so the tabs are not lined up correctly.

Would be nice if the CSS had a separate tab setting so we could tell it we want it to use X number of spaces and that's all it would do and it would do it consistently throughout the entire CSS page.

Have something to add? We’d love to hear it!
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