Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

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** 1/2 DONE** Something that I've been asking for more than once, and I'm not alone, is under the Insert menu to have three different 'insert comment' options, one for html (which is the one we have), and one for css and finally one for php. Shouldn't be difficult to create, I'd say.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 469268 Photo

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Inger Eik wrote:
**DONE** Something that I've been asking for more than once, and I'm not alone, is under the Insert menu to have three different 'insert comment' options, one for html (which is the one we have), and one for css and finally one for php. Shouldn't be difficult to create, I'd say.

May be flogging a dead horse BUT, have to agree, I did create a snippet that pops in /* css comment */,
just because I am a heavy documenter(under the delusion that I might want to do the same thing more than once) but as you said it would be nice if we had all three officially added....
User 2200796 Photo

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I would love to see the ability to move to/from or highlight begin/end braces, tags, keywords, as others have said.

I really like the editor, but there are a few things I wish it would do easily.

* A New Text File (or New Blank/Empty File) command. -- There are many times I need to create a plain text file. I used to use HomeSite for this, and I miss that with CoffeeCup. I find myself creating a new file, then selecting all and deleting it, each time I want an empty plain text file. The same could be used for other file types. -- Is there an easy way to do this, and I'm just dense in not having thought enough?

* I've been trying out new HTML5 and CSS3 and a little SVG lately. The editor's internal preview uses IE, and most new things in CSS3 aren't supported yet by IE. I know that's not CoffeeCup's problem, but is there a way to switch the default internal browser or some other workaround, so I don't keep doing a Preview and then Test view in External browser.

* What about making it easy for us to add in SVG images?

* I won't fuss about CSS3 new, experimental features. I won't. That is too far beyond CoffeeCup's team, or any of us. Aarrgh! :p XD

-- I'm looking forward to the upgrade rumored in recent emails from CoffeeCup.
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User 38401 Photo

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Ben W. wrote:
* A New Text File (or New Blank/Empty File) command. -- There are many times I need to create a plain text file. I used to use HomeSite for this, and I miss that with CoffeeCup. I find myself creating a new file, then selecting all and deleting it, each time I want an empty plain text file. The same could be used for other file types. -- Is there an easy way to do this, and I'm just dense in not having thought enough?

Agreed, I would love to see this feature also. I use other text editors for this, but would be able to confine it to one program for most things Web Developing if this were an option.

Ben W. wrote:
* I've been trying out new HTML5 and CSS3 and a little SVG lately. The editor's internal preview uses IE, and most new things in CSS3 aren't supported yet by IE. I know that's not CoffeeCup's problem, but is there a way to switch the default internal browser or some other workaround, so I don't keep doing a Preview and then Test view in External browser.

You can set the default browser to IE 9 which gives you the ability to see the CSS3 abilities for the most part.
User 2200796 Photo

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Jo Ann and Eric, thank you.

I think what must be happening with the IE preview from within CC is some internal setting I presume CC is using for older compatibility. That's a guess, since viewing directly in IE9 does show those new CSS3 features IE9 supports.

Possibly the fix there is to offer a choice for older compatibility and another choice for the latest and greatest of a given browser. That would, however, double the choices and could potentially be confusing. More useful would probably be simply to offer an older "lowest common denominator" browser choice along with the major browser choices.

On that, another request:

Where we add in the "Additional Browsers" for preview, wouldn't it be handier for Coffee Cup to come, out of the box, ready to use the major browsers, with the browser names already filled in, rather than "Additional Browser #1 ... #10" ? Thus:
    Default Browser
    Default Browser - Dinosaur Mode // :grin:
    Internet Explorer
    Mozilla Firefox
    Google Chrome
    Safari Mobile (iOS)
    Additional Browser ## // etc.

(I'm not implying anything by the order of the major browsers or any omission. I only wish IE would use W3C standards.)
Writing, Editing, Artwork, Audio, and soon Fonts
User 469268 Photo

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Ben W. wrote:

On that, another request:

Where we add in the "Additional Browsers" for preview, wouldn't it be handier for Coffee Cup to come, out of the box, ready to use the major browsers, with the browser names already filled in, rather than "Additional Browser #1 ... #10" ? Thus:
    Default Browser
    Default Browser - Dinosaur Mode // :grin:
    Internet Explorer
    Mozilla Firefox
    Google Chrome
    Safari Mobile (iOS)
    Additional Browser ## // etc.
(I'm not implying anything by the order of the major browsers or any omission. I only wish IE would use W3C standards.)

GREAT easy of use suggestion!
User 2073552 Photo

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I would like to see a "Undo all" feature added to the Editor. And what I mean by this is. I do a lot of coding on a site that I use for examples. And I like to undo all the changed before I close the file. I save in between edits but do not close the file. And when I am done with all the changes I have to hold CTRL+Z until all the changes have been undone.
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 2073552 Photo

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One more thing...

I would like to be able to move my default toolbar next to the menu bar, thus eliminating the second tool bar line and having it all on the same bar. :D

***This has been done Thank you CC! :D
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 38401 Photo

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Guys this isn't a place to debate what "you" think CC "will or will not or can or cannot" add to the programs. It's a place for us to post our suggests to CC for them to consider our requests for additions to the programs. If you need to debate the suggestions people ask for please take it out of the suggestions threads and create a new thread and quote the post you are commenting on. Debating in here about what you think the developers are capable of or will do is not necessary and gives them more to have to wade through to get to the actual suggestions.

Please don't presume what they will do. Suggestions are just that, suggestions. What we think about other people's suggestions is pretty much irrelevant, it's what CC thinks of them that matters. If they have comments about it they can post, we don't need to.

**DISCLAIMER** : This does not pertain to answering someone's suggestion if you know how to do it already and it's already part of the program lol. I'm only addressing the need to debate people's suggestion validity.
User 528054 Photo

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The tabs expand when closing files, which is also a Royal pain....
As the disconnection from the mouse makes the 'X' area move away each time a file is closed, meaning you have to chase it again and again to close files.

Something I asked a while ago..... :)

Anyway, a feature that would enable the tabs to keep their last known size, so enabling rapid file closure............... Would be great! :D


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