Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

User 601710 Photo

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SirAGE wrote:
I have a suggestion about Snippets and the Code tab...

What I would like to be able to do, is place my Snippets and/or code tab codes onto a tool bar. Thus allowing easy access to most used items. Having to switch to the code and snippets tab and searching for the desired snippet/code take a while and I could have typed it out by the time I have done this. (Which is what I do.)
How about being able to set a keyword or keywords to a snippet, type it where you want snippet to go, press Ctrl + j (example keys) to insert? Had an editor that did that and it was really quick provided you made the keywords relative to the snippet code to make remembering easier. :P
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Yep I concur with both the shortcuts and the toolbar suggestions for the Snippets, that would be extremely handy :)
User 601710 Photo

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114 posts

SirAGE wrote:
That was a separate suggestion I submitted about being able to set our own Shortcuts...
Yes. The "shortcuts" (keywords) was used in the Removed Name of Editor. It was called Code Inside. You typed your keyword where you wanted the snippet to be placed and pressed Ctrl j. You could import/export the Code Inside snippets if needed. You should find me listed in the list of credits under Major Payne. It's sad the author had to stop making a new update to that editor.
User 601710 Photo

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114 posts

1) I would like to suggest that the editor does not clear the Clipboard if you accidentally do a copy on a clear section of the file. after doing a previous copy of content you want to paste.

2) When doing a Find using F3, once you make a correction, you no longer can find again with F3 as it clears the content you are looking for to correct. I know there is the Search and Replace, but why does the Find using F3 have to quit after editing the first correction?

3) Is it necessary to have the cursor follow the format on the file? It would be nice if it would stay in the position you placed it as you scroll up/down with the arrow keys. Not a biggie on this one, but editor acts like a word processor. :P
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Ron,

The Search , Find/Replace is getting a revamp so that will most likely be things they are looking to update at that time. Look for that in a future update coming soon.

As for the cursor, using the arrow keys moves the cursor, that's what it has always done in the program. Have you tried using your mouse scroll button to scroll? Works pretty nicely for that, same with the touchpad on laptops as they usually have a 2 finger ability for scrolling pages on the touchpad.
User 601710 Photo

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114 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Ron,

As for the cursor, using the arrow keys moves the cursor, that's what it has always done in the program. Have you tried using your mouse scroll button to scroll? Works pretty nicely for that, same with the touchpad on laptops as they usually have a 2 finger ability for scrolling pages on the touchpad.
That's not what I meant. I'm not using the arrow keys to just scroll, but to check alignment of my code or pasting something that can't be done by Find and Replace. If the cursor would stay in one place on the file as the page is moved up/down without following every little bit of formatting, I would not have to use the Home/End and other keys to do some simple pasting.. it would be nice. REMOVED SOFTWARE NAME had this and it made edit a lot easier.

As I said, not a biggie suggestion. Just hate to see it act so much like a word processor.

There are still more problems like with the customized highlighting for HTML/PHP etc., but guess those would go in another forum.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Ah I think I see what you mean on the alignment issue. I still don't see how that would fix that issue though. By doing what you are talking about you would be breaking the one and only way to put the cursor in a specific spot if you can't quite get it with the mouse. In other words, I use it to fine tune the placement of the cursor when I need the cursor on the left margin of the page and the mouse is being a pain and not getting it in there right. If it were changed to your suggestion, then there would be no way to do this as the arrow keys wouldn't move the cursor. Or am I still misinterpretting what you mean? lol

What I do do to align my tags is I place my mouse where the tag I want to align with is and I use the mouse scroll to scroll down to the one I want to align. Although I can't click to align it I can get a very good idea that way on where it needs to be. Not the perfect idea of course, but I'm actually hoping they will put in the feature to see the end tags of the tag you highlight at some point.

Anyways I see what you mean, I don't think it would fix the issue without breaking a very large function, but hopefully they see the point and come up with some way to do that because it would be nice to be able to align them better... and I don't trust the code cleaner just yet lol.
User 469268 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
Ah I think I see what you mean on the alignment issue. ......... Not the perfect idea of course, but I'm actually hoping they will put in the feature to see the end tags of the tag you highlight at some point..

I think that if they did insert the highlight of the end tag of one you clicked on, that would go a long way in making it easier to force things into alignment. I see your point in that you don't want to break a main feature to add a minor one(minor depending on your sense of humor). Since I do a lot with DIV tags and if you are doing CSS positioning you have more than a few of those, the highlight would be a major improvement...
User 1941372 Photo

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Making the Spell Checker even smarter: Have it recognize things like this:

I.e. have it see that as "I've".
When we look at the things around us, we only see them as they were in the past. We really have no perception of reality, at all!
User 3004957 Photo

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Brian Barney wrote:
The ability to collapse or minimize sections of code with a small + or - in the gutter
the minimized code would show the first line to let you know what piece it was
Ex: <div id="name" class="className"... >

while the expanded code would be whatever is in the div through the matching tag

and speaking of matching tags, bracket and brace highlighting would be nice, as well as starting and ending tag highlighting :)

I love the sound of the collapsible coding with a + or - in the gutter! I used to use that kind of feature in HotDog Professional! It'd be good to have the collapsed code in a different colour also, so you know it's collapsed when you scroll up and down. Also to have the editor save the collapsed text when saving a file, that way it'd remain collapsed when you start up again.

Another great feature I've always thought would be good, would be an accessibility checker that lets you know what tags need to be accessible, and what accessible feature that tag needs. It's great having accessible options in the dialogue boxes, but if no one uses them, but want to make their sites accessible, the checker would come in handy. And say, for instance, if an image tag was left inaccessible, it'd come up in the checker, you click on it and the correct code will appear. Then have the option for the user to move the checker out of the way and edit the info themselves, or double-click on the item in Accessibility Checker would load the appropriate dialogue box. The use of more accesskey and tabindex would be handy as well. This used to be another handy feature I used to like using in above mentioned program!

Thanks heaps, CoffeeCup for such great programs like the HTML Editor! Keep listening to your users for features and you'll definitely deserve more awards and hopefully become the ultimate editor!

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