Brian Barney wrote:The ability to collapse or minimize sections of code with a small + or - in the gutter
the minimized code would show the first line to let you know what piece it was
Ex: <div id="name" class="className"... >
while the expanded code would be whatever is in the div through the matching tag
and speaking of matching tags, bracket and brace highlighting would be nice, as well as starting and ending tag highlighting

I love the sound of the collapsible coding with a + or - in the gutter! I used to use that kind of feature in HotDog Professional! It'd be good to have the collapsed code in a different colour also, so you know it's collapsed when you scroll up and down. Also to have the editor save the collapsed text when saving a file, that way it'd remain collapsed when you start up again.
Another great feature I've always thought would be good, would be an accessibility checker that lets you know what tags need to be accessible, and what accessible feature that tag needs. It's great having accessible options in the dialogue boxes, but if no one uses them, but want to make their sites accessible, the checker would come in handy. And say, for instance, if an image tag was left inaccessible, it'd come up in the checker, you click on it and the correct code will appear. Then have the option for the user to move the checker out of the way and edit the info themselves, or double-click on the item in Accessibility Checker would load the appropriate dialogue box. The use of more accesskey and tabindex would be handy as well. This used to be another handy feature I used to like using in above mentioned program!
Thanks heaps, CoffeeCup for such great programs like the HTML Editor! Keep listening to your users for features and you'll definitely deserve more awards and hopefully become the ultimate editor!