Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would like to see the Search result that is highlighted when doing a search using the search box on the toolbar (or any other search that would highlight) to show that result at the top of the page instead of the bottom.

The way it is right now whenever I do a search I have to constantly click in the page and scroll down to bring up the full code area that it found as the only thing that shows is the line with the word(s) highlighted, everything else that goes with it us below the bottom of the page so you can't just see what it is.

Would be much more helpful if it brought it to the top of the page instead of the bottom :)
User 469268 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
I would like to see the Search result that is highlighted when doing a search using the search box on the toolbar (or any other search that would highlight) to show that result at the top of the page instead of the bottom.

The way it is right now whenever I do a search I have to constantly click in the page and scroll down to bring up the full code area that it found as the only thing that shows is the line with the word(s) highlighted, everything else that goes with it us below the bottom of the page so you can't just see what it is.

Would be much more helpful if it brought it to the top of the page instead of the bottom :)

Have to agree on this one, if you are at the last, of say 10 hits, and start backward, it does put it at the top of the page, so not out of reason to by default, always put the line with the hit on it at the top of the page.
User 350670 Photo

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Here is a suggestion...

Make the find function easier to use. Its difficult b/c after clicking on a find result, I'm not able to click on any further find results.

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I like to work with position absolute statements to position objects. I have one app that does it but an inbuilt positional reference indicator on the preview so that you can point to a window position click and the co- ordinates are saved ready to use in the editor. Only had it a couple of weeks and am very pleased with it I am a harsh critic so that is real credit.
I only realised how useful the snippets are. Whole segments of a page can be used and re positioned
The Guy from OZ

User 474778 Photo

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215 posts

About the CC HTML Editor Online Tutorial, "Working with Website Projects"

To my mind, this very good and useful tutorial could be made great by adding a few things.

1) Please explain the internal structure and keywords of a .cpf file. I could perhaps reverse-engineer the thing through experiments, but why risk misunderstanding when Coffee Cup could just explain it?

2) It appears that registering an existing collection of Web site files as a CC Editor Project does not modify those files. It appears that all that happens is that a .cpf file is created within the Project's root folder in order to describe the project.

If that is true, then there is no risk in trying out the Project facility. Simply delete the .cpf file if you don't like the way the Project facility works.

But is that indeed true? Are there no other side effects, such as key/value pairs created in the Windows registry that are vulnerable to becoming orphans?

3) Please explain what happens when one deletes a Project.

4) Please explain the rules of Projects. For example, it appears that one and only one .cpf file, located at the root of a Project, controls that ensemble of files identically. One Project cannot overlap another, for example by perhaps sharing the same CSS files. Nor can any file within a Project's root or child directory be excluded from that Project.

But suppose I would like for three Projects to use the same baseline CSS, so that I don't have to manually synchronize copies B and C with changes I make in copy A. Could I use symbolic links (i.e., .lnk references) from Projects B and C to the CSS in A, or would that screw up the Projects?


Projects look great. I'd like to try the idea, but I don't want to get stuck. The tutorial could explain the rules, and so better assure me of success.
halfnium -AT-
Yes, I looked just like that in 1962.
User 474778 Photo

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215 posts

Oh, and while we're at it, please explain the .cfps file.
halfnium -AT-
Yes, I looked just like that in 1962.
User 187934 Photo

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The .cfps file is the file that remembers everything for your project. Here's a quick break down. I have a main host and this is called project one. I have all the files for that site including some folders that are other websites that I work on mostly with VSD. Each of those folders are setup in a project (project two, project three) with the proper ftp settings to publish to the correct folder. When I open project two I see the sub folder as the root of the site and any folders in it. This keeps everything relevant to that site easy to see. This setup would be the same if your using sub-domains.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 38401 Photo

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1. The .CPF file is the file that holds the information for HTML Editor to know where a project is. This file holds the settings for that project which are basically just the directory information and not much else. Deleting this file hurts nothing as far as the Editor, the site pages, etc. It just severs the connection between the HTML Editor and your project location. Removing a project from the website projects list will just remove the connection to the HTML Editor, but the .CPF file still resides in the directory and can be relinked by just doing an Open Project and navigating to that .CPF file. Once you do that it will then be repopulated to the Projects list.

2. Correct, creating a new project only creates the .CPF file, it changes nothing else to do with the files at all.

3. See #1.

4. Files cannot be shared between projects at all.

5. The .CPFS file is exactly the same thing as the .CPF file only it's for S-Drive sites. If you don't use S-Drive then you can delete that file. If you recreate the project it may recreate the .CPFS file as a default function of creating new projects. It is only necessary for S-Drive sites. (sites being uploaded to S-Drive)

I haven't read all the information in any of the tutorials or the Articles on this, so I don't know what is covered, but if it isn't then yes I agree this should all be in the Help files and articles.
User 41910 Photo

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Referring to my ticket about charset encoding... not trying to advertise but take a look at gedit text editor and especially couple of it's features:

1. When saving the file, one can choose which charset encoding is preferred - before hitting the "save/save as" button.
1.1 Make those iso -encodings also a bit more clearer by adding the numeral value after the iso- statemant

2. Add Finnish dictionary.
User 2212523 Photo

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I know this seems more like a Visual Site Designer or Power Post thing, but I'd love to see an WYSIWYG For HTML Editor.

Designing a website with HTML Editor is great, but maintaining it and adding content... that can become a huge nightmare, which is usually when I end up resorting to a CMS, and I hate content management systems. I do a lot of writing, like articles and fictional stories, and if you've ever tried to tag 300+ pages of text from Word into an html page (export to HTML in most Word Processors are really sloppy) then you know what I mean.

This feature alone would make me want to pay full price for the HTML Editor again.

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