Morten Lindstrom wrote:
1) When using a mouse with a wheel in Windows, scrolling the wheel scolls the page.
But - when a 1:1 scrolling it takes forever to scroll up and down.
Therefore the mouse-driver have a setup to change the "vertical scrolling speed", a setting most windows apps uses.
A 1:4 ratio f.ex makes the screen "jump" (not slow scrolling) 4 lines for each tiny movement of the mouse-wheel...
PLEASE implement this...
2) Font size in edit window. Sometimes it makes sense to see more text inside the edit frame, or less (so I can work without my glasses

I would like to be able to on-the-fly change font-size in the Edit window the same way as we do in Word - pressing CTRL+mousewheel
3) I sometimes edit several files, with the same name, from different folders,... and it is not always easy to keep track of which file is what...
A feature of changing colors on the Tabs for open files would be great... not storing it anywhere.. just a simple way to keep track of things..
It could be implemented on right-click on a Tab, popping up a list of 5-10 colors, and picking color will Set that color on the active Tab.