Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

User 469268 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

Stuart Kaufman wrote:
Oooooohhh!!!!! I Second Inger's Post:

When clicking on a start tag, let is highlight the corresponding end tag. Or even if you are working somewhere within say <table></table> those tags should be highlighted.

This is a request that has come in several forms and from multiple people! Managing more than one web site as heavy CSS3 user, if we could get this for <table> and <div> tags alone it would be fantastic.
Here is a site that will check for matching DIV tags in your code and produce a map, cool idea!

Here is a manual way of keeping track on your own, always add a comment when you create a div set, add a comment on the end.
<div class="Base">
<!-- This covers the web page, all other div tags reside within -->
... Space
</div> <!-- End of Base area -->
User 30010 Photo

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3 posts

Hi I now run two computors
one on windows Vista and cant get my version of html editor to work But would like very much a version that will run on UBUNTU Linux.
any plans for this ?

User 2516533 Photo

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3 posts

It would be cool if Highlighting could be added to the HTML EDITOR ... so that each set of opening and closing tags will highlight when one or the other is selected

Thanks for your time ...
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,593 posts

I agree. And we have already asked for precisely that.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 469268 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

Nathaniel Marquez wrote:
It would be cool if Highlighting could be added to the HTML EDITOR ... so that each set of opening and closing tags will highlight when one or the other is selected

Yes, as noted, asked for more than a few times and would certainly make life easier on complex web pages..
User 298877 Photo

292 posts

Jerry Givan wrote:
Nathaniel Marquez wrote:
It would be cool if Highlighting could be added to the HTML EDITOR ... so that each set of opening and closing tags will highlight when one or the other is selected

Yes, as noted, asked for more than a few times and would certainly make life easier on complex web pages..

Great idea guys, this would also be extremely useful when trouble shooting as well as on complex sites.
Let's hope a programmer is having a snoop at this thread :)
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

I'll bump. Never hurts to ask.:lol:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2036243 Photo

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36 posts

A few things. I don't know if you can call them bugs or problems or suggestions for the future.

1. When trying to change my default website project folder via Tools/Preferences/Folders, the change appears to have been accepted, but the program crashes. I have managed to change it, but had to grovel in the registry to do so. There really ought to be an easier way!

2. Using the editor to work with CSS style sheets, there are a couple of oddities. For example when creating a definition, once you put the cursor between the curly braces, and start typing, a list of possibilities drops down. Great!! Now, type wi (and select width) - further possibilities appear - the possible parameters. With width and many others showing dimensions you have several options
such as auto|inherit|length|percentage. Great again. but if you click on one - say length, the string "length" is entered. This isn't usually what's needed. It might be better if a further choice were offered between absolute measures such as px and relative ones such as em and once this was entered , the cursor placed before it, to facilitate adding the figures. When percentage is chosen - particularly useful for RWD it isn't much help for the string "percentage" to be entered. Surely it wold be better if the actual percentage char % were entered and the cursor placed just before it. to allow us to enter the figure ourselves. Same sort of thing happens with color. For example while background-color: inherit; is fine, background-color:color; isn't really a lot of help!

3. I write quite a lot of websites in French as well as English. The "character" tab is pretty cumbersome to use, so I tend to use the ALT-xxx method to insert the accented letters, or the euro symbol or various other entities. I then go though scanning for "undocumented characters" which does fine for common things like é or è but doesn't pick up on the degree symbol ° or the euro symbol € . Would it be possible to cast the net a little wider when searching for these. Also - here's an odd one. My websites use GPS coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds. thus N 45°15'45" searching for undocumented characters picks up on the " but misses the other two. Oops.

5. In HTML5 (at least, but it started earlier) the internal anchor tag of name is now deprecated in favour of id. At the moment using Insert/Target "tagname" puts the code <a name="tagname"></a> instead of the <a id="tagname"></a> that is currently recommended by the w3c.

Phew... hope you don't mind such a ragbag of suggestions.
All the Best
User 2036243 Photo

Registered User
36 posts

Hi again.

Now this IS a definite bug. It has to do with changing case. If using escaped accented characters, such as &egrave; these are not recognised as being part of the word and the next character will be treated as starting a new word. Worse, the modifier may get capitalised too which invalidates it.

Here's an example:-

Start with
CHAMBRES D'H&Ocirc;TES (NUIT&Eacute;E) 2013
which displays as CHAMBRES D'HÔTES (NUITÉE) 2013

Convert to Proper Case and you get
Chambres D'h&ocirc;Tes (nuit&eacute;E) 2013
which displays as:-
chambres D'hôTes (nuitéE) 2013

now convert that back to Upper Case
and you get
which displays as:-

What you SHOULD get is (for Proper Case)
Chambres D'h&ocirc;tes (nuit&eacute;e) 2013
which displays as
Chambres D'hôtes (nuitée) 2013

I can see how this would be missed in the USA, where you don't normally use accents, but it's a PITA if you do use them.

All the Best
User 2437923 Photo

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13 posts

Code Cleaner would be better if it doesn't use a charset defined in the <body> section

See discussion on :
My mother language is French

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