I'm evaluating the latest HTML Editor (Version 12 Build 375). Here are some suggestions:
1. In the Footer snippet include the Copyright symbol character © so that those of us that can never remember the code don't have to hunt for it.
2. The display of the trademark character in the Characters tab (in the Char column) is incorrect. It shows as a Prime rather than a trademark symbol. It inserts the correct code, though.
3. Under the Characters tab, please include the apostrophe character. I know it doesn't have an HTML tag name (it's ') so it doesn't exactly fit, but I keep needing it, and I have a mental block that prevents me from learning it!
4. The dialog that pops up when a New From Quick Start is activated, includes Horizontal Position, Vertical Position and such, yet it seems to have no effect on the ensuing code. No centering style, not even a center tag, or a div block! This "feature", as cool as it potentially is, appears to be useless.
5. The code highlighting engine isn't smart enough to tell the difference between a real HTML comment and block of CSS code placed inside commenting elements for backward compatibility -- though, I just discovered that if you add a carriage return after the closing style tag the CSS highlighting turns on--weird. Also, if you type in the CSS block by hand the code highlighting works correctly. It's only when the New From Quick Start generates the CSS block.
6. Under the Characters tab, the lowercase chi symbol is incorrectly represented in the "Char" column. It inserts the correct code, though.