Upcoming release of the new CoffeeCup...

User 1889382 Photo

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Switching to Website Projects is like switching to a new toothpaste — it takes a bit to get used to, but after awhile you wouldn't dream of using anything else. To help make the transition process smoother, we put together a document that gives step-by-step instructions for how to use the My Websites tool and put it right in the HTML Editor. Just go to My Websites > All Website Projects > What is a Website Project. Not only does it explain how Website Projects work, it actually is a Website Project, so you can poke around and explore the structure for yourself.

I uninstalled my old version(thankfully I backed the whole thing up on an external drive); I uploaded the link you gave me above and something is wrong.

The yellow line across the top indicates it is a trial version even though I am a registered owner. The "All Website Projects brings up a blank square...No What is a Website Project and none of my existing projects.

Also, when I go to open an existing project from before this upload, it has the name but non of the files. Do I have to transfer all the files that I backed up into this new version or what?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Ted wrote:
The most important thing to me is whether the WYSIWYG editor works now without scrambling the code.

When you go from the code editor to the visual editor, it will modify all your code to use absolute positioning so that you can use all the drag and drop features. Once you start using the visual editor, it is not recommend that you go back to the code editor. Think of the software as two programs in one. If you do go back and forth, your site will display still just fine, but the code will be a bit different.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 32660 Photo

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4 posts

Thanks guys....
Being a user from the get go when coffeecup
was born I have enjoyed each time a new release
pops up.

Keep up the good work

Billy R.
User 484250 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Oh WOW let me have it Now now now!! love the changes!!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Joseph Voigt wrote:
Very cool, I'm really liking this preview. Hope it won't stop working after 30 days because I'm a registered HTML Editor user. Also, just wondering if we'll see room for more than just 8 applications in the Tools pulldown, because I have lots of CC apps I'd like to have available from w/in the editor. Hmm, can't find an option to keep the Resource Browser minimized on startup.

This version is just a 30 day trial, but we will have the full version released before it times out. When it is live, just go to http://www.coffeecup.com/help/myorders to download the latest version.

Sorry, but for now we are only allow up to 8, but I will see if we can increase that maybe to 10.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 32660 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Scott is there a way to make a back ground picture
be fixed in all browsers???

User 128622 Photo

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8 posts

Been using CoffeeCup HTML from the beginning so the consistent and frequent upgrades, updates, improvements, innovations, etc are not a surprise. That being said, never fails to amaze me, like "Why didn't I think of that!" Thanks again to all my great caffeine addicted brothers and sisters in Texas!

"In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher."
- Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Judy Filarecki wrote:

I uninstalled my old version(thankfully I backed the whole thing up on an external drive); I uploaded the link you gave me above and something is wrong.

The yellow line across the top indicates it is a trial version even though I am a registered owner. The "All Website Projects brings up a blank square...No What is a Website Project and none of my existing projects.

Also, when I go to open an existing project from before this upload, it has the name but non of the files. Do I have to transfer all the files that I backed up into this new version or what?


This is a prerelease version, not the official release which is why you see the yellow banner. The full version will be available pretty soon. Yes, make sure you have all your project files moved to a safe location. Then inside of the new version, just go to "Open Website Project" and it will find all the files for you.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Billy R Stevenson wrote:
Scott is there a way to make a back ground picture
be fixed in all browsers???


Sure can, try something like this:

<body background="drkrainbow.gif" bgproperties="fixed">
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 516153 Photo

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1 post


Since I purchased the HTML 2008 - is this considered an update? I downloaded and installed the pre release version - but it was not clear to me if this was a trial to purchase or an update. I installed it on an external hard drive as I was fearful of uninstalling the 2008 version before I looked at this. Can someone clarify this for me. Thanks, Lu Cregar

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