v18.0 - PHP Delimiters Highlighting...

User 2413940 Photo

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Nice work on the ole' stalwart html editor! I was attempting to change some of the syntax-color highlighting when I noticed that the PHP-end delimiter '?>' is tied in with 'Script Tags' (eg. JavaScript). So if I change the PHP-end delimiter to match the PHP-start delimiter then the JS script syntax highlighting is also changed to the same color. If I leave as is, then the start and end PHP delimiters don't match as seen in this screen shot.

Gary Chike
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I asked the developer about this not very long ago. He said that it seems to be the same way in other apps too. The end PHP tag is counted as a 'script', apparently.
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Inger, Norway

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User 2413940 Photo

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Curious - I have a dozen apps ranging from simple text editors to dedicated PHP IDE's that don't exhibit that behavior. Here's a screen cast of me playing with a comparable app to HTML Editor (eg. Windows only, small team..) and the PHP start and end tags are both affected when I change the colors. JS script syntax highlighting is not affected since it has its own dedicated category. :cool:
Gary Chike
"Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you want."
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At https://www.w3resource.com/php/syntax/syntax.php under the heading 'Omit the PHP closing tag at the end of the file' there is a note which may perhaps be related to this matter.

User 2413940 Photo

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Hey Frank, that's correct, the PHP closing tag can be omitted if the PHP script is a stand alone script and not embedded within HTML - which for the most part it is embedded since we're in the realm of web development. Although PHP is a general-purpose programming language, it's never taken off outside the realm of the web. :)
Gary Chike
"Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you want."

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