Discontinued - Page 1 - Post ID 288521

User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

I see Lockbox has been discontinued.

Anyone got any further information?

Do I need to look for something else?

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,593 posts

I checked it not long ago, and yes, it is discontinued.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2287960 Photo

580 posts


Always works well for me.

Do you know the reason why it was discontinued?

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,593 posts

No, I don't. Sorry.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

I've made inquiries. There are no plans to replace it.

User 10077 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,096 posts

It's very sad. I like having an app that is entirely local so that my passwords are not in the cloud. It was very useful.
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User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,577 posts

I'm now running KeePass in tandem with Lockbox, gradually transferring entries across. It is entirely local and not dissimilar in its capabilities.

User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

KeePass looks interesting. Have you got to manually add each item?

At present Lockbox will work for sometime to come.

User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,577 posts

I haven't seen a way of just transferring the database, and that is why I'm running them in tandem, and transferring entries as I use those entries. Because Lockbox copies entries just by clicking on them, it is very quick copying and pasting the entries across.

A number of my entries in Lockbox needed changing (e.g. sites now wanting longer passwords now than when I set them up), and others have become redundant (sites closed or business ceased), and so gradual transfer is fine for me.

My reason for gradually switching over is that I didn't want to review and update my numerous Lockbox entries only to find at a later date that I had to transfer them to new software. I am therefore combining the review and transfer of entries.

User 2731785 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I am disappointed that LockBox has been retired. I am still using it without any issues. It still works fine. I much more prefer to save my passwords locally rather than use a cloud based app. I do backup my passwords to a locked csv spreadsheet from time to time in the event LockBox will no longer open.

I can carry a thumb drive with me using the portable version when needed. All options today are cloud based. Lockbox is the only locally saved app available that I am aware of and no monthy or yearly charge.

Coffee Cup should sell the code to someone who wants to maintain it. Its probably worth $35 to $50 as a stand alone app today. I'd buy it again if it came out as a totally new application.

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