Lockbox update? - Page 2

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Woody wrote:
Was registered v3.1 to V4 a free upgrade?

The email you received was for our multi-license LockBox 4.0 special that we are running. Because LockBox V4 is all about sharing confidential data, selling just 1 license did not make any sense to us. As an existing LockBox customer, you can get the multi-license version (1 extra copy for free) and all the new sharing features for only $5.

We have not set a date yet on when this will be publicly released as an upgrade.

If the new sharing features and and multi-licensing does not peak your interest, you can simply continue to use version 3.1. However, $5 cheaper then a coffee at Starbucks. ;-)
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User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

Well worth $5. :)

User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

Upgrade for $5 being offered again - just received an email.


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