Manual controls for slider

User 458539 Photo

Registered User
1,629 posts

Can you manually set up a slider to not auto slide but do so when manually? To be clear the slider shows up but does not auto animate-slide and you have to move the slider manually.


User 379556 Photo

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1,573 posts

In the Slides panel the last section is Slideshow Settings. By default Autoplay is ticked, but unticking it gives, I think, the effect asked for (unless somehow by 'moving the slider manually' some kind of mouse-dragging is implied).

On my first attempt at unticking that box, it seemed to reset itself to ticked when I clicked 'Preview on...', but on my second attempt it worked.

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

In RSC on the Slides tab there's a checkbox to auto play. Uncheck that.
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User 244626 Photo

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811 posts

You can uncheck the auto play global setting on the Slide tab and then add the play control to the slideshow. When first loaded the first slide will be paused until the user starts the slideshow with the play select. You could still have prev next controls too if the user wanted to advance quicker than the default slide viewing time.
Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.

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