RCS going forward - Page 1 - Post ID...

User 2526084 Photo

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65 posts

I have just started work on some slides in RCS to improve my RSD website. I went to download the latest version and noticed the last update was Nov 2015, over 2 years ago!. If RCS is to go the same way as MenuBuilder, I would rather not spend time and resources building slides in this program.

Any clues as to the future of RCS?
User 458539 Photo

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A bit gun-shy aboutto
User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

Hi Rooky,

I too would love to see this app get some love! I find this app a bit to clunky to use on a regular basis. I hear that it may get some love in the future but who knows.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
User 2844004 Photo

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Not too long ago I saw a post by Coffeecup on Linkedin or Twitter or something like that, stating that 2018 would bring a new Slider app of some kind ... so we'll see what happens :)

– Richard
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
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User 2147473 Photo

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This app discontinued?
User 10077 Photo

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1,096 posts

No official word has come from CC about whether this app will be discontinued or updated.
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
Email me at support@uscni.org or call 865-687-7698.

Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for WindowTinting.com.
https://forms.windowtinting.com/forms/w … ppingcart/
User 2903050 Photo

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I recently went down the CoffeeCup route for redesigning my website. I purchased RSD and RCS. I was treated to a free upgrade to Site Designer:cool:
I haven't even opened up the RCS yet, feel like it was a waste of money especially finding out afterwards that is was last updated in 2015:(
User 122279 Photo

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14,508 posts

As long as we're having the sliders of Foundation and Bootstrap, RCS might not be so much asked for. Perhaps that will change with the new 'Vanilla' grid system in SD3?
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2147473 Photo

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I seem to have too much trouble with RCS. Bugs, etc. Oh well. I like CC's other apps. That's $39 I wish I could get back. My fault though, I tried the trial version before I bought. Just not thorough enough I suppose.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

$39 for a responsive content slider with this much flexibility is a steal! Not a waist of money at all. I don't know of many slider apps that you can open multiple instances of it and copy and paste across them. Most other slider apps out there only allow you transition changes. This app lets you micro manage the entire project.

I agree it could be more. But $39 bucks... wow you can't do better.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA

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