Slide entry and exit

User 458539 Photo

Registered User
1,629 posts

I have a crazy client (anybody ever have one of those????) you has a specific way he wants slides to enter then exit. But I can't get the slide to do anything but enter left and exit left. He wants enter from right and exit left. I can get it to fade (be glad when it cross fades!) but can't adjust the entry and exit of the slides.


User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,573 posts

It seems to work as requested if, in the Animations panel, the Global Animations settings are as follows -
Animation: Custom
Slide in: Slide in right
Slide out: Slide out left.

User 458539 Photo

Registered User
1,629 posts

Thanks Frank - I am not familiar with RCS at all. Will give that a try - I was not aware of that


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