Suggestions for Responsive Content...

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

ChefScott wrote:
Eric Rohloff wrote:
I did. I have a white background.:P

I'll go back to sitting in the corner and being quiet now. :)

LOL :)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Please give some different type of indicators , do not limit us to circle only .

Please have look at attachment .

we can make something close to this attachment with width and radius border but small circle remains there.

Thank you
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Ability to have different amount of slides at different break points please.
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 2147646 Photo

Registered User
233 posts

The ability to have kind of sub slides. For example you want to showcase your product ranges. Each product range would be the main slide. Then you would have sub slides(containers) that would cycle through say three of the most popular products in that range before the main slide cycles to the next product range.

User 2022095 Photo

Registered User
121 posts

It would be super groovy if the slider supported different video formats like " h.264, WEBMV, OGV, M4V video " that would be awesome also animated text overlays.

Thanks for Listening.
User 2792467 Photo

Registered User
161 posts

Support for both Eric's and Mansour's request; these options are essential.
Plus a small one: stop transitions automatically when mouse pointer hovers over slide (and resume when pointer moves out. Let the visitor decide how much time is needed to read slide (without having to click pause button).

I bought RCS immediately after first release, however cannot use it -yet - for a direct replacement of my slick-slider based sliders.

Eindhoven :: Netherlands

It's easy to see, once you see it.
User 21579 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

I'm just getting to know the Slider and was wondering why there aren't any Xs on the right to close the existing project? It seems that I have to Open a new project, or close the program itself to close the old one, or to get a save or discard dialog box. I was looking at the gallery items that came with the program and had to Open each one from File/Open, rather than just X-ing them closed.

And extension of this would be tabbed open projects that you can alternate between, or close individually.

Also, I looked at the preferences and settings and can't seem to find a place to tell the program to open with the last project when it was closed. It always opens to a default new project with the asparagus image. I tend to design/explore, save, close out, then later reopen and try something else, or make some edits, in all my graphics/web page programs. Opening to the previous project would be a really useful option.
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Font-Icon for " Player Controls " such as next and previous controls instead of images.

Start with blank new theme as default or optional please ( if one don't buy the themes has no option to start with blank project)
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
855 posts

I have some nice slideshows that was made in this workflow: Powerpoint -> Open in Google Slides > Embed code in website. This works very, very smooth and is easy to maintain. (funny: Google is embedding Powerpoint better than Powerpoint online...).
Because of two issues I have now started with RCS: 1) Breakpoints - the presentation just gets smaller and 2) The presentalions does not play on iOs and Android withour special players!?
RCS is looking good. I primarily need to do product presentations / eLearning Light / User guides.
I can create chapters = seperate slideshows, but I have two suggestions:
A) Cross fade between slides (not easy with html I think). Now I give the slideshow background a color but please add an option to use an image.
B) Thumbnail navigation. I have tried Image Indications as navigation, but I'm looking forward to your new feature: Autopopulate with slide thumnails. Should be easy for you clever guys...
Looking forward to coming updates!
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

XLE wrote:
A) Cross fade between slides (not easy with html I think). Now I give the slideshow background a color but please add an option to use an image.

XLE You can add image as a background.
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.

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