Help Guide (aka Quick Start Guide) -...

User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Hey Everybody,

We just did another update to the Quick Start Guide. The first 4 chapters are live now. I will add the themes that you find in the design section to the 'share your designs' thread over the next day or so.

You're welcome :D

Any questions, typos or feedback, let us know here please!
The future of web layout has arrived and it's called CSS Grid. CoffeeCup helps you to get ready with a free guide, the Grid Builder app plus cool demos & themes.
User 2632733 Photo

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26 posts

Hi Bob,

First 4 Chapters are good but we really need the balance of the chapters as these cover the advanced stuff desperately needing more available explanation.

Even pre-release outlines, with large clear disclaimers, would help and maybe also allow use to provide you with feedback that may help.

User 2571899 Photo

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20 posts

Being new to this, I would find it helpful for a quick start guide to be COMPLETE before a product is released. Most of the stuff I can figure out on my own but it would be nice to be able to understand the entire product. Also, you need to create a pdf of the guide. If you print the guide out as is the formatting gets all messed up - especially the graphics.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Donald Sanders wrote:
Being new to this, I would find it helpful for a quick start guide to be COMPLETE before a product is released. Most of the stuff I can figure out on my own but it would be nice to be able to understand the entire product. Also, you need to create a pdf of the guide. If you print the guide out as is the formatting gets all messed up - especially the graphics.

Hi Donald,

I think the reason CC stopped putting out pdf's is the product is getting updated and enhanced so often that by the time they produced the document it would be out of date.

Not only that, I don't see to many progressive software developers that give full PDF manuals to their products. You will have to take time and learn the software. I'm sure like other products ie. Adobe, you can find some help if you pay someone to teach you it.

Or you can try the software out and if you get stuck just come to the world #1 forums here :D:D:D and ask your questions.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2688024 Photo

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9 posts

Is there something other than the incomplete quick guide ? I have paid for a product that I cannot use at present. Basic information on how to set up and send an email is vital. I can read, but the info has to be somewhere for me to read it !
know, indeed, the evil of that I purpose; but my inclination gets the better of my judgment
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Hi 8Ball,

Not sure where you are getting stuck? I think this software is pretty intuitive. But just like any other software you have to put the time into it to learn it. The quick start guide that is found here does a really good job of explaining the basics of the software.

We are always here for you if you get stuck on a certain part.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2688024 Photo

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9 posts

The first 4 chapters are fine. Where's the rest ?
I have gotten as far as sending a Test. That works OK. But I need to be able to send an RED email, not just the test email. I can save the email but there doesn't seem to be any further I can do after that.
Really, I just need a quick guide to the entire BASIC process. I can learn about the bells and whistles as I go along. But I'd like to be able to create a basic email and send it.
I see elsewhere you seem to b telling people they must use a 3rd party platform like mailchimp. Is that mandatory to send just one email to one recipient ?
8 Ball
know, indeed, the evil of that I purpose; but my inclination gets the better of my judgment
User 2688024 Photo

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9 posts

Ok, no answer.
Just one requirement as far as an instruction manual goes.

Really, I just need a quick guide to the ENTIRE BASIC process.[u]

I will happily read a F(*G manual, but I need one to read.

Never bought software or hardware in my life that didn't come with at least a rudimentary manual. Documentation is part of the product. I didn't get what I paid for. Had you told me I would have to guess at the basics of this product I never would have bought it.
know, indeed, the evil of that I purpose; but my inclination gets the better of my judgment
User 2718899 Photo

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2 posts

I too am new to RED and getting stuck. I know manuals take a time to produce especially with frequent updates. Perhaps a video might fill the gap?
User 2319362 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

Hi John & Eight Ball,

I realiza this is a SUPER late reply, but it's better than nothing, I guess. You can send single emails within RED. In order to do that, follow chapter 7 in the Quick Start Guide (btw, I realize this probably wasn't available when you first posted):

You can even define lists in order to send to groups of people. However, keep in mind that each of your recipients will be able to see the entire mailing list if you use this method. In order to properly set up a business mailing list, you'll need to use a third-party service like MailChimp. Simply import the HTML file you export from RED into Mailchimp and create a campaign with it (Mailchimp has tons of documentation on importing templates and creating campaigns).

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