Before and After Responsive Layout -...

User 1948478 Photo

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Steve wrote:
And those iconoon ultimate files are what the button builder is pumping out.

Hmmm, 244kB per button plus its own dedicated css file, etc...
It seems those buttons come with a weight cost... :(
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Eric Rohloff wrote:
I think I know more about hacking it then using it.:lol:

Back to before and after before JoAnn turns us into no more.:lol:

User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Per wrote:
Steve wrote:
And those iconoon ultimate files are what the button builder is pumping out.

Hmmm, 244kB per button plus its own dedicated css file, etc...
It seems those buttons come with a weight cost... :(

Wow if that's right about the buttons, I've never used the prog, but I wouldn't even have 244kb's for a bg image.
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Steve wrote:
And those iconoon ultimate files are what the button builder is pumping out.

I've never used the button prog, as I've said below, but is there anyway you can batch edit the buttons and drop the file size, buttons should be no more than 20kb's at max. With images on the web if it's the focal point you can get away with using them at only about 80-85% quality, no one notices the differences.
User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

Per wrote:
Steve wrote:
And those iconoon ultimate files are what the button builder is pumping out.

Hmmm, 244kB per button plus its own dedicated css file, etc...
It seems those buttons come with a weight cost... :(

I'm not entirely convinced that this is what's actually happening for each button. The pingdom reporting seems a bit inconsistent between 'size' and 'time spent' in this regard...
User 187934 Photo

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20,218 posts

Looks like it's getting better. I ran it through Website Insight and your images are all under 100kb. The 244 seems to be from the fonts. That's odd. I don't get that in website insight. … ff?v=3.0.1 … tom-fonts/
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2088758 Photo

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Ya not quite sure about whether we can fully trust those readings.

Hey Gunsmoke not sure if you seen my post previously it kinda got list. I redid the layout framework see if this is better. I really like it because when it gets to smart phone size it drops to nothing but buttons.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 289442 Photo

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161 posts

"Hi Tom you are on my non-responsive website. Please see above. I am currently working on a new responsive website using the RLM."

Ooooops, darn - - wrong site. sorry bout that .:(

On the correct one the only problem I'm having on my phone is the menu on some of the subordinate pages -- but maybe you prob have not even done those yet.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

I like that format a lot better! Good info I can skim over and contact info. Only 3 thumbs to get to the bottom. Very nice for phone in my opinion! :D
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

TomH wrote:
"Hi Tom you are on my non-responsive website. Please see above. I am currently working on a new responsive website using the RLM."

Ooooops, darn - - wrong site. sorry bout that .:(

On the correct one the only problem I'm having on my phone is the menu on some of the subordinate pages -- but maybe you prob have not even done those yet.

Yes that's right Tom. I haven't got to the other pages yet.

@gunsmoke thanks I like it too I'll begin the rework tonight.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA

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