bug report: RLM Pro glitches on...

User 515127 Photo

Registered User
116 posts

Not sure if this the right place... but...

I am seeing RLM pro bugs when applying id's to a series of elements - cols, image links, whatever.
I enter a unique ID and I get the That ID is already taken message box. At the top properties column where it says <layout><elements<properties> and underneath if was a full column width collapsible element section header - I then see an extra header there. If I try again, I get the message box and then a 3rd header appears, and so forth. The only fix is to save, exit RMP Pro, Re-open the 'recent file' and then it will take the entry that it was rejecting. I suspect that there's a variable stuck somewhere that is holding the 'last id' I applied and when I enter a new value, it is comparing the previous value to whatever table of existing id's. This is not consistent - and it seems to only happen after I have several rows and objects with perhaps a dozen more or less id's entered.

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,248 posts

Hi gllincoln,
Can you share you rlm file so the CC gurus can try to replicate it?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 515127 Photo

Registered User
116 posts

Here is the multiple header effect I was referring to. http://usq.me/share/coffe-cup-bug-01.png
Attached is the RLM - it's a work (barely) in progress, at this point.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Can you tell me what page, element and exact ID you are trying to use!
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User 515127 Photo

Registered User
116 posts

Hi Scott -
It has happened on various elements. columns, text, and images.
Typically it happens when I have added a few elements or columns, assign the appropriate class to them and then start sequentially assigning ID's to the elements. ID's used (for example)

img-grid-4-1, img-grid-4-2, img-grid-4-3 and so forth.

On another occasion I recall it barking on col-7a, col-7b (at which point it popped the ID is already taken msgbox)

I am trying to retrace my footsteps - see if I can force a repeatable event to assist you. My gut instinct is that, given what I am doing at the time - it might be that the text in the ID text box within the element properties window was changed, then I clicked over to the next element I wanted to assign an ID to, typed the next element and then it popped the error? Doing some retracing - I can't make it happen. I also suspect that the item must be a virgin and not have a previous value (be a null ID) because intentionally forcing the error is not creating the problem when addressing elements that had pre-existing valid ID's.

The application semi-locks up, can't seem to control the focus when this happens, can't escape and delete the element. I have several pages to build, I'm sure it will happen again (based on my experience so far). I will just record the screen until it does happen, if I can't come up with a repeatable sequence of actions that trigger the issue. I appreciate your attention regarding the issue.

User 515127 Photo

Registered User
116 posts

As a footnote - once I save the file, exit and restart the app, the RLM file loads and behaves okay - whatever is crashing - it's in memory, not within the saved file content.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Are you using copy/paste when adding ID's or are you typing them? If copy/paste, try to see if typing them helps. Right now I am unable to replicate it but I am sure once we can, a fix should be easy.
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User 515127 Photo

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116 posts

Typing them in - for some reason it's behaving for the last hour or so. I may not see the error again tonight. I will run a screen recorder when I start the next page (similar layout but enough different to require another build from scratch wireframe). It will probably pop up again at that point. I understand how difficult it is to replicate - I'm having difficulty doing so at this point. If you happen to see it, one of the big tattletales is the duplicating of the element properties header with the triangle hide/display toggle - and only the bottom of the list of headers will be active. .
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

One thing to try is see if hitting the enter key after the ID causes the error to occur. Not sure if that is it, but try. ;)
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User 1948548 Photo

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26 posts

First, I feel I have to say that I'm a coffee cup fan from the start. I've had the html editor for ages. I'm new to RLMP.
I'm posting this in the spirit of being helpful.... or to find out if I'm doing something incorrectly.

Here are some glitches I've experienced.

First, when I try to use the menu to select a column or row, the drop down drops down fast and then disappears, I try again, i think I've selected the container, but who knows what I'll actually select. I experience this on laptops, not so much desktops.

I've also had trouble moving text or headings or links out of a container into the column so that I could delete the container without deleting the content.

I'm also really frustrated about how difficult it can be to change the font size in headers. I choose the header, then at a certain point, I'm not sure when or how or why, but I can no longer use the dialog box on the right, and I have to select the text and use the edit dialog that appears at the top of the screen to change the size of the font for the header. what is even more frustrating is that after this happens once, there is now a span div that gets created, so that if I want to use css to resize, and can't just use the simple straightforward h1,h2,h3....but I have to go dig the actual span class name that was assigned out of main.css and I just want to keep the original h1, h2, h3 as the div names, without all the complex
h2 span.heading-text-2 or h2 span.heading-text-9. I've tried deleting all the div names that I consider superfluous, they rreappear. I've tried just using the simple "type" designations and ignoring the more complex "span" classes. Doesn't work.

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