Hi Steve,
Can you see my screenshot
You see
<h1>OPLEIDING</h1> <picture>Picture KHBO picture</picture>
<h5>Bachelor Elektronica ICT </h5> <p>KHBO IWT Oostende</p> <p>2005 - 2010</p>
<li>Elektriciteit, Installatienormen, AutoCAD tekenen van huisinstallatie</li>
The question is how can I structured my layout with the <div>'s etc?. I know how I can drop the content but the problem is the wireftrame. and this consists with a grid with rows and cols
I hope I think the explanation is clear now
Kind regards
Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
Application Software PowerBasic Developer
e-mail : stephane.fonteyne@telenet.be
gmail : stephane760126@gmail.com
linkin : in : <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephane-fonteyn/53/402/204>
twitter : @Stefke36