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User 2088758 Photo

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Oh crap I miss read that sorry for the misunderstanding Ingar.

I hope I get over this darn cold. It's been nagging me for a couple weeks now.

@nigel does Smart Voice have zoom capabilities?
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Steve Kolish

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I changed the zoom key in Snap7 too. for some reason F10 didn't seem to work. :cool:
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User 603315 Photo

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Steve wrote:
Oh crap I miss read that sorry for the misunderstanding Ingar.

I hope I get over this darn cold. It's been nagging me for a couple weeks now.

@nigel does Smart Voice have zoom capabilities?

No what you do Steve is you take the Video with Snap (or your preferred vid capture) and at the same time talk into your mobile device with Smart Voice, so they are totally different apps, one you have near you mouth, I lie down when doing them, but however you work and just turn off Snap files voice default and put them into Movie Maker at the same length or I think you use a Mac, so the equivalent. You see Mic's on esp the laptop have distortion and I've tried a few.
User 181142 Photo

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26 posts


Thank you very much for that Video. I now have a better idea to go on. I'll look forward to the one explaining how to add a wow slider. ;)

PS: Let me tell you man, it is not only the programs CC built for us but the community here sound very honest and very willing to help others. Very Nice!!!.

Once again. Thank you....
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Your very welcome. And I totally agree with you about these forums. I really appreciated the help I received when I came here so now I'm just trying to give a little back :)

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 603315 Photo

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Sineis wrote:

Thank you very much for that Video. I now have a better idea to go on. I'll look forward to the one explaining how to add a wow slider. ;)

PS: Let me tell you man, it is not only the programs CC built for us but the community here sound very honest and very willing to help others. Very Nice!!!.

Once again. Thank you....

Steve hasn't done the one on Wow Slider yet, what's he like eh :P:lol: Yeah it is good community there's a lot of experience on here, people who have done Web Design and the relations for many years, there's many forums around the web but some can get very aggressive. Also with sites there can be many different takes to reach similar goals and debate is even good, but not arguing that never is.
User 181142 Photo

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26 posts

Let me tell you guys a story.

A while back I got so frustrated with Web Form that I sent a really mean e mail to Scott. Let me tell you the guy reply back in a very professional way and I remember he wrote something like "cheeees man, are you having a bad day or something?". It was so funny to me because I almost pictured him typing those words. From that point on I've been very nice to CC staff and I appreciate how soon tech support gets back to me.

PS: It is cool Scott doesn't hold any grudge on me ;). LOL. Steve can you please include in the video you will make how to make a picture the size you want in RLM?. I drag an image (4:3, etc) but I cannot make it to be the size of my layout.

Thank You again....
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Do you have a link to your project Sineis? I may be able to help you if I can see your code.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 187934 Photo

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Sineis wrote:

PS: It is cool Scott doesn't hold any grudge on me ;).

Scott's a native Michigander.:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 603315 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
Sineis wrote:

PS: It is cool Scott doesn't hold any grudge on me ;).

Scott's a native Michigander.:cool:

Which means??

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