Responsive Layout Maker Pro Website...

User 603315 Photo

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Mansour ... wrote:
Eric Rohloff wrote:
Are you seeing a problem Mansour?

The problem; images are distorted. as I mentioned in above post I have got to edit my images in right sizes in order to get crystal sharp for display. am I right?

I haven't got time to go into too much detail at the moment, but I'm not getting a problem with this, so how I think about it is, I'm not sure if you know anything about photography Mansour, but think if you can about what happens when an image comes out of a camera, or even how films are made and the formats to that. With editing of photos etc there of course is compromise, but good photos tend to fall within the aspect ratio found in the RLM, so I just think right which image is that nearer to and work for that. I don't really think it needs to be absolutely precise but just guidelines and I think you will find you have success :cool:
User 2088758 Photo

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Steve Ravner wrote:
Steve wrote:
Want me to put together a little tutorial on how to do this Steve?

I think that your tutorials are the best, and would encourage you to do it... and others too, as the questions pop up.

Meanwhile, I think I've got the picture right, and will try to get to it later today when I get back to my home base.

As promised here is the tutorial on how to add a subgrid to a row that has no max width. Similar to my website.
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Steve Kolish

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User 431141 Photo

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78 posts


You do the BEST tutorials!

They are "slow and easy", and very clear and understandable. Thank you for the latest one.

I'll have to come up with a few more questions so that you can do some more tutorials.
User 431141 Photo

Registered User
78 posts

I have a couple of new questions for all you gurus:

1) is there a way to have text wrap around an image - for example, a 2"x2" photo in 4" wide column (or container) with text along one side until it reaches the bottom of the picture, then the text takes up the full width of the column (or container)?

2) is it possible for text to flow from one column into an adjacent column automatically?
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

2) is it possible for text to flow from one column into an adjacent column automatically?

Possible, but there's very little browser support for it just yet. … s-regions/
Browser support for CSS Regions:
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