RLM and phone resolutions? - Page 2

User 434929 Photo

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In responsive mobile website even if we set display none or hide elements from display it's unfortunately it will be loading at back stage which is hidden from eye of viewer if you are talking or concern about mobile data usage.

And resolution has absolutely nothing to do with how your content or image looks on screen. It has everything to do with how it will print.
Ernie don't be confused with resolution and dimension.

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User 271657 Photo

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David, if you use ems/rems and percentages for text and layout instead of pixels, the site will be better able to adapt to any viewport. Also, make sure to include this (I don't know if RLM automatically includes it?):
http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/ … esign-5972

Device resolutions: http://spirelightmedia.com/resources/re … -reference
About viewport size vs resolution: https://coderwall.com/p/ygcyha
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Eric Rohloff wrote:
Jo Ann wrote:
Keep in mind that if you view sites in Desktop View setup, you are downloading a whole lot more data than you would be if you were loading the mobile website.

Are you talking separate web pages or responsive pages?

I'm talking about Mansour saying that he can just view it in View Desktop mode:
Mansour ... wrote:
As I understand every smart phone has an option called" View desktop" .
I guess that will solve the problem.

All I'm saying is that when you do that on a phone you are loadding the entire desktop version of the website rather than a mobile version so you are going to use more data than you would if the phone were properly reading mobile version. :)
User 2676159 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
[quote=Eric Rohloff][quote=Jo Ann]
All I'm saying is that when you do that on a phone you are loadding the entire desktop version of the website rather than a mobile version so you are going to use more data than you would if the phone were properly reading mobile version. :)

But.. I was sold on buying RLM because I didn't have to do separate versions of websites.
RLM Website http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/a-website-needs-to-adapt-or-die/ wrote:
With all the different device sizes out there, a design that adjusts or ‘responds’ to the available display space is the only way to assure a consistent and positive experience on every screen. Every website needs to be responsive and adapt to screen dimensions. Soon a troublesome encounter with a static websites will communicate a negative brand experience.

And a little further down the page :
No need for dedicated sites for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

There isn't any different version, it's the same content. As Mansour said above, data is loaded whether it's viewed or not.

That's why I got RLM - I don't have the time or the web-building skills to work through making a site work on everything (I did use ems with previous sites and if I'd explored enough I might have found that I could use that as the default - is there a way to change it with RLM when you've put in a dozen hours on the wrong setting?)

Jo Ann wrote:
If he's got his phone setup for that high of a resolution, then there's really not much you can do for what he's going to see without complicating matters extremely. Not worth it in my book as it's not the norm.

Not that long ago, it wasn't worth it to build a website specifically for a mobile phone because "it wasn't normal" to view a website from a mobile.

Screen resolutions are getting higher (even back to what we had with CRT's if you're willing to shell out megabux for a super high resolution :) ), and users are getting stupider (based on experience at the coal-face of IT support :) ), telling them to change mobile phone settings because some pages might not display properly is a nightmare that'd not be worth it. This is something we're going to have to deal with more and more I expect, and I'd rather deal with it from the outset then find I have another re-design to do at a later stage..

That said, I am quite enjoying playing with RLM and it helps another large group of our clients - elderly customers who, no matter how high their screen resolution is, have the display size set large enough to read easily. Which breaks the current header in ways too horrid to name :)

User 187934 Photo

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I think users are confused on loading of responsive websites. All the content loads even though your hiding it. Now I will say the page will load quicker but the difference is so small it's hard to actually detect. The only thing that speeds it up slightly is the fact that the browser doesn't need to render the content but it does load it so it's ready for a screen size change. If it didn't load it you would see the content change when you squeezed your browser up and down. If your pages are really heavy in content you may actually want to make separate pages for mobile and desktop users. The amount of users needing this would be small but they do exist.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
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This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
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My cell phone is a Galaxy s4 also...
User 2676159 Photo

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Well, he hasn't yet said what his phone is (likely either latest Samsung or latest Apple) but he has said he views it at 1080x1920.

Guess I'll have to investigate switching to em-based (which is what I'd normally have used in years past) rather than px based (which is the default in RLM, right?) and see if I can re-work things to do that. Any way to do that quickly rather than having to re-create the layout from scratch?

Thanks in advance,

User 2676159 Photo

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Just an update..

Too poor to own a tablet as yet, and I prefer my tiny little flip phone (2007 era super-smart phone now rather dumb by today's standards :) ) to a hulking great smart phone for use in pockets etc, so my ability to check such things is not easy.

However, friends of mine have a bunch of such devices so I was able to play around with the site some.

It works fine.

Will have to keep an eye on what people are doing with screen sizes however. The other friend who was responsible for this thread starting has pretty poor eyesight but he still likes to run his screen at that sort of size. People who do this may be few, but I expect to see more doing it. He's an oddball, but he won't be alone :)

Now, to start adding in the rest of the code then I'll hopefully have the header up and running on the site by the end of the weekend... Bye-bye weekend, hardly got to know you and now you're gone - dead at the hands of Mr Work... :)

Thanks all,

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Hi David here is a good resource for you, just put the url in the top left box and it will show you what your websites look like on different devices. Its quickly becoming my favorite tool.


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Mansour ... wrote:
I have 6 gig 4G mobile data a month...

Many people I know don't have the money to pay for that kind of data plan.
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