RLM Images - Page 5 - Post ID 224262

User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Soren Noernberg wrote:
Will UK

Be my guest.

The site is in Danish but you see how it change the layout with different screen sizes.

The site is not yet finished there might be some small changes. I'm still testing.

That's all Danish to me :lol: seriously I think that's really good and I can understand fully what your trying to do, thanks for sharing, as I'm eager to learn about this.
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

paintbrush wrote:
Not having seen this in action yet... Is it for planning layouts rather than actually building the site? It sounds like one tries out stuff in the RLM, then moves the layout to the Editor?
Is $99 the special intro price? I haven't seen any email notices yet and the CC site just says coming soon (no price).

Yeah it said yesterday, don't know if theyve taken it down, but if you clicked on where it said Coming soon (at least I think it was there) it was $99
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

paintbrush wrote:
Not having seen this in action yet... Is it for planning layouts rather than actually building the site? It sounds like one tries out stuff in the RLM, then moves the layout to the Editor?
Is $99 the special intro price? I haven't seen any email notices yet and the CC site just says coming soon (no price).

User 2641572 Photo

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1,245 posts

Thanks for the link Soren. It is much appreciated. :)

Having tried viewing the site on both a laptop, a Kindle Fire and on a smartphone, there is no doubt that the program actually works. :cool:

Obviously there is the question of integrating elements that aren't yet themselves responsive perhaps? Am thinking about things like web form builder etc.
User 187934 Photo

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20,218 posts

Will UK wrote:

Obviously there is the question of integrating elements that aren't yet themselves responsive perhaps? Am thinking about things like web form builder etc.

The web form builder is responsive.:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2924428 Photo

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@paintbrush it's just a mockup program, so if you plan on making a complete website you'll need some of the things like menu builder to create the actual menu, the layout maker just sets aside a code for the column width / height to be responsive.

@G'kar Nope, width is a thing of the past in responsive designing. If you make buttons with button builder or menu builder then yes you'll have to deal with widths, but those are separate programs, in RLM there is no width, just span margins.
User 2641572 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
Will UK wrote:

Obviously there is the question of integrating elements that aren't yet themselves responsive perhaps? Am thinking about things like web form builder etc.

The web form builder is responsive.:cool:

Be cool when Cart Creator Pro is responsive too. All my web sites sell things :rolleyes:

Know there far more work involved with that though, due to folks existing sites having been created with the existing Cart Creator styling program and the few other essential tweaks needed. Maybe it will appear later this year.
User 187934 Photo

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20,218 posts

I think CC will make an entire new app for responsive shopping. Seems like it would be easier to rewrite from the ground up knowing what has to be done.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2641572 Photo

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1,245 posts

Yep the new version will need to have the ability to either add text at product level, or have a notes to seller box in the checkout process, for reasons that have become glaringly obvious since the product was released. Plus of course the discount codes to keep the US based users happy. :)

The existing core is in dire need of a rewrite in parts, so the responsive structure being added to it, is the ideal time to do that. Get all that sorted and it will really push the cart program back into the limelight again.. :cool: It has been in the shadows for too long now. :/

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