Definitely a nice change, well done Ernie.
A couple suggestions I would make would be:
1. Lose one of the location maps on the Location page. One is plenty, 2 is overkill. Make the Google one larger to make it more accessible and lose the other one would be my suggestion on that.
2. Your little gallery showing the different cottages would be better if:
A. There were photos of each of the different cabins (this may be but the next sentence will explain why we don't know that if there is).
B. Put a comment on them so people know what they are looking at. A photo Outside and Inside for each of the cabins and label them so people know what cabin is what.
3. The only other thing I would suggest is combining your 2 menus. The buttons on the main content area are kind of unnecessary if you use a menu that incorporates dropdowns as you can combine some of those into one dropdown and make the page look nicer. This is a preference so not a "wrong or bad" thing.
That's really all I could see, looks great, nice job!