Sub Grid Question - Page 2

User 10077 Photo

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1,096 posts


Here's a simple way that I have used.

1. Add three rows to your layout. Each row should have one column set to the maximum number of spans. The top will be your header; the middle, your body; the bottom, your footer.
2. In the header and footer properties, set the background color to be whatever you want it to be.

1. Add a subgrid to the header. In the subgrid properties, set the max-width to what you want it to be so that it is less than 100%. Then set the left and right margin width to auto. This gives you a centered section in which the rest of the header is placed.
2. Do the same with the body and footer.

If you choose, you can use a container instead of a subgrid. For the body, I like to use a container first. The container sets the boundaries in which the rest of the body is placed. Therefore, I add the container with a max-width and margins set to auto, then I put a subgrid inside the container.

By the way, you might not know this, but please recognize that here in the forums, we are users, just like you, who are helping each other.
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User 2590444 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

Hi Brian,

Brian , thanks for your response and suggestions it is greatly appreciated and I will go and try your method which seems to be a way of nesting divs.

I would still like to hear from the Coffee Cup crew to explain their instructions as relevant to the 9 step process.

I am fully aware of the make up of the forum being primarily users but I am also aware that the guys from Coffee cup are here too and I guess I am a little used to going to the user forums with issues in the Dreamweaver sense as it seems to be the only way you can get help there.

Should I be going else where for help from the coffee cup crew?
User 10077 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,096 posts

So in reading the thread, I am finding three questions from you.

1. Where does the subgrid go? You are correct that it is a series of nested divs. As you get used to using RLM, you'll find you can rename the divs for particular functions (header, nav, etc.).

2. It seems that what prompted your question was that you thought there was not sufficient instruction in the tutorial as to the purpose and function of subgrids and how it relates to the header. Is this correct?

3. You would like input from the CC staff as well as users regarding #2 above. If this is correct, your best choice is to open a support ticket. It should be in the drop menu at the top of the screen where you also log in.
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
Email me at or call 865-687-7698.

Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
User 2590444 Photo

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42 posts

Thank you once again

1. Yes I do like that function and I am sure once I get used to this it will be useful and easy.

2. Yes you are correct in your assumption.

3. Input from you guys is great as you are the users and at the end of the day are learning by doing - however I would like an explanation of the method mentioned in the help file. Your way is great and working from the beginning would work just fine but the way in the 9 steps file seems to point to a way of achieving after the frame work is in place - I will create a support ticket unless someone here can help.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Simmo wrote:
Thank you once again

1. Yes I do like that function and I am sure once I get used to this it will be useful and easy.

2. Yes you are correct in your assumption.

3. Input from you guys is great as you are the users and at the end of the day are learning by doing - however I would like an explanation of the method mentioned in the help file. Your way is great and working from the beginning would work just fine but the way in the 9 steps file seems to point to a way of achieving after the frame work is in place - I will create a support ticket unless someone here can help.

I keep reading your replies but I am failing to understand what the issue is as you have not asked specific questions. If you want help from anyone, it is always a good idea to be very SPECIFIC as to what you need help with. Remember, everyone here is taking time out of their day to work with you so help others help you.

Also, the article you keep referencing is extremely well documented and walks you through everything. I recommend you dedicated more time to the software and really use it before asking for help. Watch the videos, read all articles and just experiment with the software (you cannot break it). Once you have done all that and are still confused, post your questions (again, be specific) and we will try to help.

So please no support ticket just yet unless you have some major issues. If you do one at this stage, we will simply be pointing you back to the same articles... ;)

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User 2590444 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

Hi Scott,

I asked the question in my first post.

How much more specific can I be.

To me and I am only new with your software the instruction is confusing and incomplete and really does not complete the explanation.

Thanks for you help - much appreciated.

Regards Bruce
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

I suggest It's good to have look at Twitter Bootstrap & ZURB Foundation documents as well because what I understand those two major framework going to implemented into RLM in near future updates and sure those framework documents helped me a lot to understand better about 12 grids system and there are plenty of videos on YouTube alone to educate ourselves beside documentation of RLM in here which basically all 12 grids system more and less are same.
Once you go through bootstrap and foundation framework documents you will have brighter knowledge about RLM.

Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Simmo wrote:
Hi Scott,

I asked the question in my first post.

How much more specific can I be.

To me and I am only new with your software the instruction is confusing and incomplete and really does not complete the explanation.

Thanks for you help - much appreciated.

Regards Bruce

You have to keep working at it Simmo! If that article is not working for you, I think then you do not have a complete grasp of the concept of RLM. For me, the 9 steps articles covers everything we wanted it to quite nicely. I see no way it can be improved upon. There are so many other articles for RLM that cover all sorts of things, so read them as well.

What I recommend is for you to continue reading ALL articles and watch the videos many users here have created and simply PLAY with the software. You can learn a lot of things just by dragging an element into your layout and then adjust the settings.

I must point out that RLM does require the user to have some basic HTML and CSS knowledge. If you do not have that yet, you will find it challenging.

This may help too. This is linked in from Chapter 1. … ve-design/
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Mansour ... wrote:
I suggest It's good to have look at Twitter Bootstrap & ZURB Foundation documents as well because what I understand those two major framework going to implemented into RLM in near future updates and sure those framework documents helped me a lot to understand better about 12 grids system and there are plenty of videos on YouTube alone to educate ourselves beside documentation of RLM in here which basically all 12 grids system more and less are same.
Once you go through bootstrap and foundation framework documents you will have brighter knowledge about RLM.

Yes, that is a very good suggestion Mansour.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2826919 Photo

Registered User
53 posts

Folks again let me say superb documentation! I am finding a lot of answers without having to post. I love it .:lol:
Blissfully Ignorant In Jacksonville, Florida
When all else fails read the instructions.
RSD 5.0 what a pleasant surprise. Fantastic!

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