Suggestions for CoffeeCup Layout...

User 2684599 Photo

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Very new to all this stuff, but two really simple thing I would like to see are

1. A button that allows me to delete a breakpoint [how do you delete a breakpoint anyway]...
2. The ability to show the grid as it exists after you have added elements to it.

I love that thing, it's not a framework designer at all. It's a rapid prototyping tool, and it should be developed as such with increased features to simply create working HTML/CSS/JScript pages on the fly...

New Street Photography :-)
New Street Photography
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The features you are asking about are there already.
To the left of all the breakpoints, and if you look very closely, you will se a - and a +, black on dark grey. Mark a breakpoint and click the minus, and the breakpoint disappears.
(I have already repeatedly bent the CC staffers' ears around what I think of their choice of colours for the interface!)

In Layout mode, bottom right, you will see a check box and the word 'Show'. That will show you the grid.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2484360 Photo

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(I have already repeatedly bent the CC staffers' ears around what I think of their choice of colours for the interface!)

Many times. :P
User 2684599 Photo

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@Inger: So that's what they're for :-)

Been so busy research so much I haven't even had any time to looking int the features in The HTML Editor. Some way cool stuff in there.

Another thing that struck me [given that the things I want already exist we might as well get a little more complex] is some way to associate a class in a CSS file with a HTML tag that's being handled and generated by the RLMP editor, things like text links in a menu.

New Street Photography
New Street Photography
User 2484360 Photo

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Another thing that struck me [given that the things I want already exist we might as well get a little more complex] is some way to associate a class in a CSS file with a HTML tag that's being handled and generated by the RLMP editor, things like text links in a menu.

Not sure what you are asking here, are you talking about assigning a class to an element?
User 2684599 Photo

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Sorry, yes, I've been working stupid hours...

Yeah basically I could have just said "The class attribute for the <a> element when editing text doesn't seem to work"


<li class="navbar_list_item"><a title="" href="index.html" class="list-item-text-1 navbar_text">Home</a></li>

The <li class="navbar_list_item"> I can set in RLMP, as can I set the <ul class="navbar_wrapper">, but for every link in the menu I need to have physically set the navbar_text class after export. If I edit the text [where I ad the link] and change the class it just doesn't stick...

Also is there anyway in the HTML Editor to reformat the code so that lists are stacked, rather than in a line. The code cleaner doesn't seem to do this.

RLMP tag class [Sorry, that's just so I can search for the comment easily, absence any other knowledge :-)]

New Street Photography
User 2684599 Photo

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12 posts

Yeah, just figured that one out too :-)

If you highlight the text for the text for the <a> tag when you change the class, it stays changed...

New Street Photography
New Street Photography
User 2684599 Photo

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12 posts

There is another thing that isn't supported as far as I know...

Links in social icons.

At the moment the list is being treated as a special kind of list rather than just a list. If it was just treated as a list of font objects you would have access to each element of the list, and be able to add a link in to a specific site [just like a list in a menu bar]. You could also change the way they icons looked by adding a CSS class name to the list items..

New Street Photography
User 2684599 Photo

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12 posts

You can obviously change the style by overriding each class

i.icon-facebook {
color: #40A0FF;

But you can't add a link to your facebook page [as far as I know]. Looking at it the way I see it it's creating a class for an element <i> in order to create the icons. Is there a way to add CSS text attributes, given that it's using a font?

New Street Photography
User 2684599 Photo

Registered User
12 posts

Sorry, I will stop doing this [asking and answering my own questions]

Turns out that because the icons are fonts you can indeed use any CSS font attribute on them. i.e:

i.icon-facebook {
color: #3B5998;

This on the other hand will not work:

i {
font-size: 30px;

i.icon-facebook {
color: #3B5998;

I think I know why, but I would like some clarification...
New Street Photography

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