Suggestions for CoffeeCup Layout...

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Yaaah ty Scott! I know I will not be the only happy camper on that issue right there alone. Just out of curiousity, will the Link issue on that same edit setup be fixed as well so we can use it? If you're not sure what I mean, it doesn't work on the edit window at all you just get an indication that you clicked the button (some kind of tooltip type dropdown looks like it's opening but there's nothing there, makes me wonder if it's going behind the window?) Anyways curious on that since I reported that at the same time as I reported the color editor issue. Thanks again for fixing this one :)
User 103173 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
Yaaah ty Scott! I know I will not be the only happy camper on that issue right there alone. Just out of curiousity, will the Link issue on that same edit setup be fixed as well so we can use it? If you're not sure what I mean, it doesn't work on the edit window at all you just get an indication that you clicked the button (some kind of tooltip type dropdown looks like it's opening but there's nothing there, makes me wonder if it's going behind the window?) Anyways curious on that since I reported that at the same time as I reported the color editor issue. Thanks again for fixing this one :)

For version 2.0 we are using a completely different link dialog, so I am pretty sure that issue is fixed as well.
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User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Awesome and thanks for that too then! :)
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would love to see the ability (in this or the designer, this would be a nice help though) to be able to change the Heading types after they have been added. Maybe a drop down where the "Type Heading #" shows at the top of the properties so we don't have to remove the heading and start over with all the settings for it etc.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

This is going to sound crazy I'm sure lol, but here goes anyways.

I would love to see the ability to toggle on/off each element within the element properties (visually only) and I'll tell you why.

I do a lot of copy/paste of elements and sometimes it doesn't paste. I think what happens is sometimes it "does" paste but not visually where I can see it doing it. I usually have to restart the program to make it paste again, it's like it gets stuck or something. This happens when I've been using it for some time say an hour or 2. So what I usually end up doing is hitting the Undo a bit to make sure it's not there, saving and then restarting the program.

Anyways, because that happens sometimes I've had a few incidents where say an Heading tag has gone behind something else and I can't see it, don't know it's there at all even. Then I end up with some elements not lining up correctly because that element behind it is messing it up and I usually end up fussing with it quite a bit before I finally see that there's something behind it.

Now I find myself wishing I could turn off an element visually to see if something is behind it, but I can't do that so I usually end up "hoping" nothing is and having to wait till I export to find out.

Sooooo would be nice if there was some way to check for extraneously added elements that are hiding on us :)
User 450830 Photo

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IsIs it possible to rely on RML flexbox so that more is possible.

Ger van Veen
User 2210454 Photo

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231 posts

A side scroll bar at the bottom would be good when working on a wider webpage. My laptop screen only view 1034px in RLMP but 1366px in a browser. Which means it is difficult/just about impossible to adjust things wider that 1034px
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User 122279 Photo

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I have a layout that I created a while ago, and it has been resting on the back burner for the better part of half a year. I have taken it out again to put it to use, but in the meantime I have forgotten which changes I did at the various breakpoints. And some of the changes are very subtle and not easy to spot right away.
Is it possible to add a function so that you can see all the changes at a glance at each breakpoint? I would welcome that very much. It is so cumbersome to go through each element at each breakpoint to see what I did 6 months ago.

I reckon such a feature would come in very handy for those who store layouts for later use/reuse, or if someone is collaborating on some job, or if the job is to be handed over to someone else.. and there surely must be more situations where you need a quick scan of what has been done earlier.
So please, can we have that?
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User 2632733 Photo

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Further to post by Jo Ann on 20th Feb.

I am also doing a lot of cut and paste as I update an existing site and find the Cut/Copy and Paste become totally disabled after a random number of cut and paste operations.

Only solution is to restart RLM. Believe this is a bug and needs to be looked at and resolved for Release 2.0 whenever that may be.

User 2088758 Photo

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Alan Chate wrote:
Further to post by Jo Ann on 20th Feb.

I am also doing a lot of cut and paste as I update an existing site and find the Cut/Copy and Paste become totally disabled after a random number of cut and paste operations.

Only solution is to restart RLM. Believe this is a bug and needs to be looked at and resolved for Release 2.0 whenever that may be.


+1 on this. I find I quite annoying when it does this.
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