Suggestions for CoffeeCup Layout...

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

And another really really irritating issue that I hope will get addressed in the next update....

Don't limit the "undo/redo" so much. Every time I save it clears my undo/redo list so I cannot go back. Most of the time it just randomly stops me whenever it feels like it. I see no settings for this and I would love to be able to tell it to allow up to X number of undo/redo's no matter what and definitely not have saves have any affect on them at all. If we can't have a specified number that we give it, at least give us up to 100 or something if possible. I can't say I've ever used a program that has limited it so much as this one has so far. Pleaseeeee address this in the next update. :)
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Any chance to get a patch update to fix the OSX version for the text editor?
Not having the ability to put links in a page is a real show stopper right now with a few of the pages I'm creating for a client that are lots of links in them and not much else. Would sure save a lot of time and hassle on updates later especially when you export, update a page and the client decides they want something placed differently on that page (ya it happens lol) and you have to redo all the links manually again.

Thought I'd clarify that this is for links within a paragraph text, not just plain links, as those I can put in using a straight Text Link element. Those within a paragraph that you would add the link to the text using the text editor aren't editable on OSX version, those are the ones I mean :)
User 2614236 Photo

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141 posts

A way to export files so that they don't overwrite ones already adjusted in web editor. i.e. if you re-export with the same project you are asked do you want to overwrite index.html etc. That way it is possible to come back to your project and do more work i.e. add other pages not thought about. At current the program just writes over the files generated by each export. Very annoying unless I'm missing something and I oh so much hope I am
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Tony,

I tend to save it under a new name every so often and that would be a perfect time for doing that for you. I just amend the current name with a number after it and increment the number every so many saves and once a site is exported to be completed outside the program, I definitely do the increment of the number of the next save so it doesn't overwrite the last export. :)
User 2614236 Photo

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141 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Tony,

I tend to save it under a new name every so often and that would be a perfect time for doing that for you. I just amend the current name with a number after it and increment the number every so many saves and once a site is exported to be completed outside the program, I definitely do the increment of the number of the next save so it doesn't overwrite the last export. :)

Now Im trying to get my head round this. I have exported a project called patch. Within patch I have started to style say index.html. I now realise I need another file called about.html which I forgot to add - silly me

Are you saying I should rename index.html to index1.html before exporting so I don't lose its contents then delete index.html and rename index1.html to index.html thereby losing nothing. That way all the other files are updated css stuff to include the about page.

Or, is the project name I update

Wouldn't it be better if the software asked you on a re-export if you want to overwrite the files or not.
User 187934 Photo

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20,226 posts

I would like the last class or id selector used to come up when switching between elements.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

tonyteehee wrote:
Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Tony,

I tend to save it under a new name every so often and that would be a perfect time for doing that for you. I just amend the current name with a number after it and increment the number every so many saves and once a site is exported to be completed outside the program, I definitely do the increment of the number of the next save so it doesn't overwrite the last export. :)

Now Im trying to get my head round this. I have exported a project called patch. Within patch I have started to style say index.html. I now realise I need another file called about.html which I forgot to add - silly me

Are you saying I should rename index.html to index1.html before exporting so I don't lose its contents then delete index.html and rename index1.html to index.html thereby losing nothing. That way all the other files are updated css stuff to include the about page.

Or, is the project name I update

Wouldn't it be better if the software asked you on a re-export if you want to overwrite the files or not.

The project name for your .rlmp file so if you created your project and named it:

mysite.rlmp (which is what it saves as)

Whenever you feel that you want to be sure you don't lose what you've got so far, let's say you're about to add a new page or try some new positioning of your layout elements, you would go to the File menu and choose Save As and save it as:

mysite2 which would save then as mysite2.rlmp

This way it will export to a new folder each time you rename your project. :)
User 2660090 Photo

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89 posts

In reference to a thread I created yesterday, I think it is imperative that in the next update the user is able to collapse the right panel. I'm finding it frustrating that I am unable to view these hidden breakpoints. Here's the thread: … ht-panel/.
User 2336860 Photo

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252 posts

Andrew Moss wrote:
In reference to a thread I created yesterday, I think it is imperative that in the next update the user is able to collapse the right panel. I'm finding it frustrating that I am unable to view these hidden breakpoints. Here's the thread: … ht-panel/.

I have to agree with this. I do a lot of work on a laptop and while it is nice that I can hide the panel, I would really like to still be able to see the breakpoints that are set behind the panel. As it is now when you hide the panel (Ctrl+K on Windows) the breakpoints are then hidden.

User 2660090 Photo

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89 posts

ChefScott wrote:
Andrew Moss wrote:
In reference to a thread I created yesterday, I think it is imperative that in the next update the user is able to collapse the right panel. I'm finding it frustrating that I am unable to view these hidden breakpoints. Here's the thread: … ht-panel/.

I have to agree with this. I do a lot of work on a laptop and while it is nice that I can hide the panel, I would really like to still be able to see the breakpoints that are set behind the panel. As it is now when you hide the panel (Ctrl+K on Windows) the breakpoints are then hidden.
It's funny how there doesn't appear to be any official reference to the fact that Ctrl+K collapses the right panel. It almost seems as if the developers started working on this solution, only to give up halfway through. It surely can't take long for them to fix this issue.

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