Suggestions for CoffeeCup Layout...

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,226 posts

It would be nice to be able to change the span count and the span push pull by selecting multiple elements to apply to instead of doing one at a time.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 119698 Photo

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2 posts

I don't like using the default Georgia font for linked text, paragraphs, etc, in RLMP as I prefer the cleaner sans-serif fonts like Arial, and it is rather tedious to have to change the font every time a new element is added. It would be great if the default fonts could be set by the user at the start of a project, instead of Georgia & Helvetica always being displayed forcing a manual change every time a new element is added?
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would love to see the ability to view a list of the Class and ID names for each page. Since it's not possible to see your actual grid layout without mousing over things and in many cases having to use the little pulldown menus to get to them, it would help a lot to be able to see a list to know if you've missed renaming any of them or not.

I wouldn't need it to print out, but others might if they have hundreds to thousands of pages, so it might be nice if it did, but just to be able to view that list (no attributes) would help.

Would like this to be something we could click on a button either in the Layout tab or on the top of the program where it would just open a window for that particular page (maybe even the ability to see all listings for each page?). Doesn't have to stay open, doesn't have to do anything other than open a popupdown/up list of the Class and ID names and nothing more.

My reasoning behind this is that I didn't do all of these "as I created" the site, but am now going back to them... it's a daunting task and I'm sure it won't be the first time I will forget and even if I didn't there's always the chance you'll miss one or two without realizing it. My site is right now 11 pages long, I am having to go through each page, rename classes (mostly classes, very few ID's, but the list of them would still help), copy them, go to the other pages that will need that same name and paste it in them... and so on. This task wouldn't be so hard if it weren't so hard to tell where all your parts and pieces were lol, but I'd rather see the list than an easier way to see the parts and pieces, I'm thinking that the list would be easier for you guys to do.

Anyways, hope that makes sense and is something that could be considered in an update not to far down the road :)
User 2336498 Photo

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40 posts


A) Creating breakpoints
-- title text field, for example, "iPhone 3/4"; "Samsung Note 3"; "iPad Air 1"
-- title text field to add the dimensions that want to add
-- drop down menu of suggested actual screen dimensions (I could think of a dozen that are standard out of the bat)

B) Looking up breakpoints
-- cursor hovering shows information added by action of (A)
-- slider passing over breakpoints while dragging the slider showing information added by action (A)

C) Dimension brackets between breakpoints
-- I have to attach an drawing later to this post what I mean by this

(B) and (C) to toggle on or off with constrain that (B) should always be in focus when hovering or dragging over breakpoints

Thank you for consideration.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

Hi Frank welcome to the forums,

I think you are misunderstanding what the RLM can do for you. You don't necessarily want to add break points for different predefined screen size however you want to build your website and only add break points when your website becomes "broken". That way you truely make your website future proof. Imagine you spend countless hours getting your website to look good at the above breakpoints mentioned, then Sony releases a new sized phone at a measurement that is in between the others, you will have to go back and create a new breakpoint and adjust all your content again.

If you use the slider in the RLM and start sliding it to the left and watch your content. Once something looks out of alignment you set a breakpoint and fix. Then continue to shrink it down setting breakpoints at each position your website breaks until you are done to the smallest size.

Then I doesn't matter what smartphone,tablet,pda views your website it will always be perfect. How great is that. I use this technique for all the responsive websites I build.

Hope this helps
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Steve wrote:
Hi Frank welcome to the forums,

I think you are misunderstanding what the RLM can do for you. You don't necessarily want to add break points for different predefined screen size however you want to build your website and only add break points when your website becomes "broken". That way you truely make your website future proof. Imagine you spend countless hours getting your website to look good at the above breakpoints mentioned, then Sony releases a new sized phone at a measurement that is in between the others, you will have to go back and create a new breakpoint and adjust all your content again.

If you use the slider in the RLM and start sliding it to the left and watch your content. Once something looks out of alignment you set a breakpoint and fix. Then continue to shrink it down setting breakpoints at each position your website breaks until you are done to the smallest size.

Then I doesn't matter what smartphone,tablet,pda views your website it will always be perfect. How great is that. I use this technique for all the responsive websites I build.

Hope this helps

That was perfectly said Steve. That is why RLM is such a powerful tool. It is important to forget the old way of creating websites and move into the new way. Basically forget everything you know (or think you knew). ;)
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User 2336498 Photo

Registered User
40 posts

Hi Steve - I understand that but when I set BPs than I wish for easier look-up of what they represent when I hover or slide over.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Frank Schneider wrote:
Hi Steve - I understand that but when I set BPs than I wish for easier look-up of what they represent when I hover or slide over.


Why would you not know what the represent simply by looking at the page when the breakpoint is selected? Trying to understand why you would need to name it something.
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User 434929 Photo

938 posts

I would like to have :
1- Horizontal Pixel Ruler below break-point slider
2- Color code for each breakpoints as soon as being added ( this will help people like me which I am little blind on black User Interface)

By the way, The second feature request it may helps Frank as well for his request .

RLMP has great color code support for id, classes and types something similar to those color indicator for breakpoints .
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 2336498 Photo

Registered User
40 posts

Hi Steve -

It is very unproductive and time-consuming to get the slider exactly to a pixel. Once a breakpoint is set, the slider should snap to it when sliding back and fourth.

Horizontal ruler, I agree, is great too.

Thank you.

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