Suggestions for CoffeeCup Layout...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Frank Schneider wrote:
Hi Steve -

It is very unproductive and time-consuming to get the slider exactly to a pixel. Once a breakpoint is set, the slider should snap to it when sliding back and fourth.

Horizontal ruler, I agree, is great too.

Thank you.

You are still not understating how to use RLM correctly Frank. Forget what you know and learn the new way. ;) You are also still thinking in terms of fixed pixels. Steve said it all perfectly (thanks Steve!).

Here is a tip. Click the breakpoint and then use your left and right arrow key. You can move the breakpoint left or right for fine tune adjustments.

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Frank Schneider wrote:
Hi Steve -

It is very unproductive and time-consuming to get the slider exactly to a pixel. Once a breakpoint is set, the slider should snap to it when sliding back and fourth.

Horizontal ruler, I agree, is great too.

Thank you.

Hey Frank,

It took me a while to get my head wrapped around this idea. But trust me as soon as you let go of the PX based world and focus on responsiveness, and I mean true responsiveness, designing with RLMP will become a breeze! Forget view-ports, forget screen resolutions, forget fixed pixel positioning. Just do as I suggested earlier.

Hope this helps
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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Even when choosing the option for an em based layout, the paddings, margins, and font adjustments are shown in pixels.
Could there ever be an option to enter ems (or rems) rather than pixel amounts?
(Is this on a base of 16px = 1em?)
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User 434929 Photo

938 posts

paintbrush wrote:
Even when choosing the option for an em based layout, the paddings, margins, and font adjustments are shown in pixels.
Could there ever be an option to enter ems (or rems) rather than pixel amounts?
(Is this on a base of 16px = 1em?)

Coffeegrinder Px vs EM

I don't see any visual indicator in RLMP after starting new project base on Px / EM, The GUI always shows Px base .

I can only see differences in exported CSS documents , it would be cool if we could see visually our project base on Px or EM.

Thank you.
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User 122279 Photo

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Don't know this for sure, but could it be because people are more familiar with px, so they type, say, 12px for the font size, but in the background the programme converts this to em?
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User 2336498 Photo

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When one adds a URL in the Export Path field of a Linked Image or Image (potentially for any element with a Export Path field), PLMP creates a %2025 for a space (%20) in a path. This is clearly a PLMP product issue.

In the ideal case, yes, an absolute path or file name should not have a space character. This is case, this bug would not occur.
However, in the real world situation, this thinking is unrealistic. Even more unrealistic that many have no control about the path at all in may environments for example such as a Corporate Portals, Intranets, in which a content manager or moderator just works within their permitted working folders. So in the URL parts--occurring before a working folder--often have spaces and all are being converted from %20 to %2520. This export bug causes a burden of overhead work and for any site update additional work to correct it out with a replace action via HTML Editor. As bigger the site as more.

Please correct this issue in a future release. Much appreciated! Especially by Intranet web designers how are without control of path change management. And certainly, a global corporation will not change their path framework because all would break. Imagine that!

User 2336498 Photo

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Steve wrote:
Frank Schneider wrote:
Hi Steve -

It is very unproductive and time-consuming to get the slider exactly to a pixel. Once a breakpoint is set, the slider should snap to it when sliding back and fourth.

Horizontal ruler, I agree, is great too.

Thank you.

Hey Frank,

It took me a while to get my head wrapped around this idea. But trust me as soon as you let go of the PX based world and focus on responsiveness, and I mean true responsiveness, designing with RLMP will become a breeze! Forget view-ports, forget screen resolutions, forget fixed pixel positioning. Just do as I suggested earlier.

Hope this helps

Hi Steve -

I understand what you are saying but I have business requirements to solve in an ever changing device world. Then that also applies to just different laptops that employees receive and their freedom to apply any screen resolution they like. That's why your software helps me a lot and breakpoints are super NOT unproductive and time-consuming. Within the framework, I have to deal with they are Saints. I took a couple off of course until a break point becomes unavoidable.

I showed it to our design team and when they saw it they freaked out and want to know that piece of software. I said, pick up you cup for a coffee. :cool:
User 2210454 Photo

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When you click "Layouts > Manage Project" you can add things to the <head> section of your pages. Excellent feature, but is it possible to have a box that says something like "Add your <head> content for the selected page on export/publish" AND "Add your <head> content for the all pages in your project on export/publish".

I know if you duplicate a layout, it will duplicate the <head> text, but I think it could be good if you forget to add something in after you have made several pages.

Also, would it be possible to be able to set the titles of each page as apposed to the title been the page name?
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User 434929 Photo

938 posts

I personally Love HTML5 KickStart Framework
HTML KickStart HTML5 KickStart Framework is a lean and mean package of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that promises to save UI developers hours of work.
At about 300KB, HTML KickStart packs quite a punch: UI components like stylish buttons and navigation bars, scalable icons (using Font Awesome), a responsive grid layout, a touch-enabled slideshow component and so on.

HTML KickStart is another Frameworks beside Bootstrap 3 and Foundation 5 that I really like to see it implemented into RLMP and RWD or HTML Editor
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User 149661 Photo

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From the demos, looks like the Responsive Layout Maker is just the thing for Responsive sites. Sounds like a great product! I'd like to try it, but I don't see where I could build a community interactive site, such as those built with Joomla. I guess my question is, can [or will you be making] RLM export Joomla compatible templates?

It's already a great product, but if you could do that, you'd have a game-changer.

Pls let me know what the potential for this looks like, or if it has that capability now. I'd love to try it out.


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