Why does the grid break? - Page 2

User 2484360 Photo

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Here is the fixed project file for you to take a look at. :)
User 2924428 Photo

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You can get a 32" at Costco..
User 187934 Photo

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32 why stop there. All the newer tv's can act as a pc screen. 60" might be a little large.:lol:
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User 2147626 Photo

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I have a 57" HD Tv and can use Google Chromecast and cast my PC to the Tv if I want a large monitor. Super cool!! :D
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User 91713 Photo

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Adam East wrote:
Here is the fixed project file for you to take a look at. :)

Adam, thank you so much.
The perfection isn't reached in one pass.
User 603315 Photo

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Ha ha yeah I know TV's can work as a sort of monitor. When you go into Curry's/PC World (They are part of the same group) which is probably the biggest of this genre over here, you never see PC's hardly as we knew them, it's all laptops, tablets etc and what is quite popular is big screens like 24 in but inbuilt so there is no tower and generally they are touchscreen, whatever the point is of that, so it means you have to lean in your chair over the desk to touch the thing :lol: but they also come with keyboard and mouse. But PC's might die here maybe, there's very few of them about in these shops.
User 603315 Photo

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Gunsmoke wrote:
I have a 57" HD Tv and can use Google Chromecast and cast my PC to the Tv if I want a large monitor. Super cool!! :D

57in TV where can you put that?? :D:lol::P
User 2484360 Photo

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Hey guys,

I have to ask that we keep threads on topic please. It makes it really hard for us to keep up, for you guys you only deal with the forums however we deal with tickets, forums, projects, phone calls, text messages, E-Mails, voice chats, IM's, program tickets, crazy lady outside of the office talking to herself and much more.

It takes a lot of time for us to read through the messages that should be in the break room.

This topic was opened by a customer having a problem with this software and now it is a full thread on where to get a monitor which has nothing to do with the original question. Please do your part and keep the forums clean and organized. ;)

User 2484360 Photo

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Hans van Overbeek wrote:
Adam East wrote:
Here is the fixed project file for you to take a look at. :)

Adam, thank you so much.

My pleasure. :)

You have to make sure to check all of those settings as if the grid lines show as off, this means that something in your settings is messing with them. :)

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