Simplifying S drive set up C Name :...

User 539803 Photo

Registered User
2,156 posts

A dozen or so attempts with my Domainmonster registrar account and i have it

For anyone having problems the above registrar account is free to open, and very easy to transfer domains in.

With domain hosted in members area select your domain name to set up

(1) Select manage DNS

Look for the A records, there will be two identical ; tick box by bottom one (under bin symbol) & scroll to bottom of page and hit SAVE DNS UPDATES

(2) Now go to ADD RECORDS (above) and drop down to A : Next leave HOST NAME blank : Next put this in IP address

Scroll to bottom of page and hit SAVE DNS UPDATES

(3) Next go to the C NAME records : tick the box under the bin symbol : scroll down page and hit SAVE DNS UPDATES

(4) Now go to ADD RECORDS (above) and drop down to CNAME : put www in for the Alias : then in address (below) put the full

Scroll to bottom of page and hit SAVE DNS UPDATES

having completed the above, changes can take about half an hour to an hour, after which you should be able to go to the CC sdrive account settings page and add your new as your new alias, remember once CC confirms it is set up correctly you MUST SCROLL DOWN PAGE and hit the save settings button

IN SOME INSTANCES : it can take up to 2 days for your domain to be completely worldwide propogated and set up, so if CC keeps saying NOT SET UP CORRECTLY ignore the message as it is likely a couple of days later you will go back and it will work.

Jo Ann , Eric or anyone, CC can you lock this so it stays live near the top, and remove this line please.
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
855 posts

I love you man. Just freakin* worked!

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