Hello Everyone,
Is there any way I can password protect a form I have on my s-drive? My understanding is that Website Access Manager will not work so I was hoping for another option.
Password protect Form on S-drive
Not currently at this time Mark. This is something we hope to include later this year.
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Hi Scott,
That's a bummer. We'll explore "Plan B"
That's a bummer. We'll explore "Plan B"

Hi Richard,
While your form lives on S-Drive, you could drop it into a web page hosted off S-Drive and then easily use CC WAM to password protect that page.
Just create a basic page and paste the code below (changing "Your_Form" to the actual name of your form)
Then you can password protect the page and therefore the form, by using WAM.
While your form lives on S-Drive, you could drop it into a web page hosted off S-Drive and then easily use CC WAM to password protect that page.
Just create a basic page and paste the code below (changing "Your_Form" to the actual name of your form)
<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='http" + (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 's' : '') + "
/www.coffeecup.com/api/sdrive/forms/form.js?name=Your_Form%26slug=23250%26width=322%26height=633' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>

Then you can password protect the page and therefore the form, by using WAM.

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