File Storage

User 129770 Photo

1 post

Why can't I upload my Open Office Files? I DON'T use microsoft office unless I absolutely have to, which is to say never. If you are offering cloud storage why limit the files types I can store?
User 364143 Photo

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It doesn't say cloud storage. It says:

Marvelous File Management

Who says website file management has to be a pain? S-Drive Storage gives you all the options you need to get the job done without any of the clutter.

Perhaps you don't need that?
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User 187934 Photo

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Hi Robert, I know CC needs to limit the files that get uploaded to the server for security reasons . I don't know why an .odt file would be restricted but it's not on the list. Did you try adding it to a sub-folder in your site folder?:)
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User 103173 Photo

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The "Storage" tab will allow you to upload any content you like there (and any extension).
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User 629005 Photo

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Or just use Oo's "save as" feature and save as a MS Word file :D

Which, since there are few businesses out there that use OpenOffice, you would probably need to do with those files anyway if you're going to share them (just to make it more convenient to those accessing them).
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User 187934 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
The "Storage" tab will allow you to upload any content you like there (and any extension).

I can see it in direct ftp but it doesn't show on my dashboard.
it's an .odt file.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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User 103173 Photo

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Strange, it showed for me:

Eric, what is the file you don't see in your Storage tab?
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User 187934 Photo

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It's there and can be download. Just doesn't show on the dash. … cetest.odt
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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