As long as they are in a path that relates to c: and not a psf:// location, it should work. In theory that is.

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
I will try it and see what happens.
Signing off for the night.
Signing off for the night.
And my final post. I WON!
So, when I installed SCD Pro on Windows, (when it was disconnected from the documents folder in Mac as I stated above) it installed fine and it installed in a Windows document folder. So I went and found
"My Themes" in the previous folder with the psf\Home\Documents\CoffeeCup Software\Themes\My Themes files, which could not be opened because the psf\Home path is the mac side of the computer,
and I drug it to the Windows documents folder entitled Public Documents\Coffee Cup Software\Themes\ (I assume public documents was created by Parallels, as I didn't create it) And that changed the name to Users\Public\Documents\CoffeeCup Software\Themes\My Themes\ (and then each individual name for each shopping cart._ I clicked on them and I can now open them.
I am a very happy girl. A 61 year old girl, but a still a girl. Smile
So, when I installed SCD Pro on Windows, (when it was disconnected from the documents folder in Mac as I stated above) it installed fine and it installed in a Windows document folder. So I went and found
"My Themes" in the previous folder with the psf\Home\Documents\CoffeeCup Software\Themes\My Themes files, which could not be opened because the psf\Home path is the mac side of the computer,
and I drug it to the Windows documents folder entitled Public Documents\Coffee Cup Software\Themes\ (I assume public documents was created by Parallels, as I didn't create it) And that changed the name to Users\Public\Documents\CoffeeCup Software\Themes\My Themes\ (and then each individual name for each shopping cart._ I clicked on them and I can now open them.
I am a very happy girl. A 61 year old girl, but a still a girl. Smile

I knew you could do it!

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Just so you do not feel so bad, let me tell you a story about two 57 year old people I know...
First, they do not know how to turn a computer on...
Second, they call the Internet, "Innerweb" and "Wide World Web" and "Interweb".
Third, they asked me to start them a "Facetube" account... My response was how will you access it? One said she would have her grandchild check it for her. The other said he just wanted on because it was "Hip"...
So for being 61 you are doing rather well! Keep on trucking!
Just so you do not feel so bad, let me tell you a story about two 57 year old people I know...
First, they do not know how to turn a computer on...
Second, they call the Internet, "Innerweb" and "Wide World Web" and "Interweb".
Third, they asked me to start them a "Facetube" account... My response was how will you access it? One said she would have her grandchild check it for her. The other said he just wanted on because it was "Hip"...
So for being 61 you are doing rather well! Keep on trucking!

"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does."
https://lbwebsitedesign.com - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services.
http://helpsite.sirage.com - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
https://lbwebsitedesign.com - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services.
http://helpsite.sirage.com - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
I know folks in their early forties that don't even own a computer, let alone switch one on. I also know others that think the web 'is the work of the devil' and won't have the Internet in their homes. 
Age is no boundary to doing anything, it is having the open mindset that really counts. Most computer problems are usually just glitches that are generally sorted out with a few well placed keystrokes.
Fortunately the folks at Coffeecup are always there for help and advice.

Age is no boundary to doing anything, it is having the open mindset that really counts. Most computer problems are usually just glitches that are generally sorted out with a few well placed keystrokes.

Fortunately the folks at Coffeecup are always there for help and advice.
Thanks Scott
Withoiut your heads up on the ability to go into configure and dink around with the folder and disk options, I never would have figured this out.
SirAGE, your gif/graphic made me laugh out loud. I certainly felt some of that when I was working on this.
And your post made me laugh also. Thanks for the encouragement.
And Will UK . . . I know some of these people also. Sometimes I want to go with them to the land of "whut?" Unfortunaley, I am not independantly wealthy. The internet is my bread and butter, and house and car, etc. So, wisdom tells me, I'd rather duke it out with the computer, on my bed, in my jamma's rather than duke it out working for someone else.
And I LOVE CC for the gift they have given me to be able to build and maintain wesites that connect me with people that I truly can help. Love it!
Thanks for all your help and encouragement.
I'm thrilled that I don't have to spend a week or so rebuilding all my shops! Yay
Withoiut your heads up on the ability to go into configure and dink around with the folder and disk options, I never would have figured this out.
SirAGE, your gif/graphic made me laugh out loud. I certainly felt some of that when I was working on this.
And your post made me laugh also. Thanks for the encouragement.
And Will UK . . . I know some of these people also. Sometimes I want to go with them to the land of "whut?" Unfortunaley, I am not independantly wealthy. The internet is my bread and butter, and house and car, etc. So, wisdom tells me, I'd rather duke it out with the computer, on my bed, in my jamma's rather than duke it out working for someone else.
And I LOVE CC for the gift they have given me to be able to build and maintain wesites that connect me with people that I truly can help. Love it!
Thanks for all your help and encouragement.
I'm thrilled that I don't have to spend a week or so rebuilding all my shops! Yay
Well, I always like to make someone smile...
Take another look because I laugh at my avatar everyday.

"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does."
https://lbwebsitedesign.com - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services.
http://helpsite.sirage.com - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
https://lbwebsitedesign.com - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services.
http://helpsite.sirage.com - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
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