Fluid Navigation Bar

User 2114410 Photo

Registered User
383 posts

I'm using a theme that pretty much doesn't resemble the original. :D

I have designed a navigation bar in WIS, and would like to know if I can make it fluid, keeping in with the rest of my theme - diamond blank.

I have a feeling I may have to upload the navigation bar image, then use code? Hoping not. I hope there's a setting in Designer that will allow for it, but I can't find it if there is. :lol:

Thanks to anyone who can help. :)
User 187934 Photo

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20,258 posts

Why not use the images you created for the navigation bar for the navigation buttons on you shop?:)
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User 2114410 Photo

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383 posts

Thanks Rolly, but I just designed one navigation bar, and would like it fluid just like on the CC site. :D

The nav bar is working well on the site, but would prefer it to fill out the screen.

My header & footer is fluid, so I'd like to try and make the nav bar the same if possible. I tried repeat horizontal in designer, but no go. :/

I also tried to make a header with the nav bar color strip on the bottom in paint, and added that, but I couldn't get the navigation sitting in alignment.

If Jo Ann sees this, she has a link to my site and is most welcome to pass it onto you if she knows your email address. I don't want to put my site address here. :)
User 187934 Photo

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20,258 posts

I have posted code to position flash on users shops. I think you can use that to position yours over the top of the existing shops navigation.
[[[ <style type="text/css"> div#shopmenu{width:942px;height:100px;left:-81px;top:40px;position:relative;} </style><div id="shopmenu"> menu code here </div>]]]

Adjust the width and height to your needs. The left and top position will get your menu where you want it.
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User 2114410 Photo

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Thank Rolly, I thought it was going to be code. :D

I could follow your instructions for VSD & got everything working, but I get a little lost putting more difficult code into SCCPro for some reason. Not had enough practise trialling it I guess. I'd need step by step instructions, and I might still mess it up! :P
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

Try pasting the above code to the pages you want the menu on. Now remove the "menu code here" and paste the code for you menu in it's place. Then make the adjustments as posted before.
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User 2114410 Photo

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383 posts

I've tried a number of variations in the menu code, but all it does is place the menu code on the page. :(

Sue managed to do it here Rolly. Do you know how she achieved that, and if so, how I could get a similar look although I have the search bar & cart summary in my nav bar.


I tried more settings in designer, but I don't seem to be able to find one to change the nav bar to repeat.

Thanks for your help. :)
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

That shop is put together with some iframes and a lot of tweaking to make it look like it does.

Here's the one doing the header.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
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This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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