How to Changing Header Text? - Page 1...

User 193638 Photo

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557 posts

I lost my website theme do to a hard drive crash so I am trying to re-make the theme. I did this so long ago I have forgotten half of what I did!!

How do you change the header text (My Shop) that comes with the theme package, to be your text, the name of your shop?

I see in the navigation bar where you play with the font, but no way to change the text.
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

I think you can only change the font, size, color and position in Designer. You would use SC Creator for your actual text. So get it looking how you want in SCD then in Creator when you type in your header text you'll see it with the choices you made in SCD.
Takes a bit to get used to going back and forth between the 2 programs :P
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User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

Thanks Paintbrush. Now that you mention that, DUH!!! I should have remembered that.
User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

Well, I did some looking but I do not see where I change the text in the header. I had it on the old site but can't figure out how to do it now.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

You used an image of text for your header.;) Or you could un-click the hide text box on the header properties font tab.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

I thought these newer version of the software allowed you to change the text in the headers???
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Steven Alford wrote:
I thought these newer version of the software allowed you to change the text in the headers???

You can add code to the header or footer, but Header Text is entirely something different.
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User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

Well that's just silly!!
Why would I want the header text to say the name of my shop when the logo that I added already does that??? Why not give us the opportunity to change this text to say what we want, like a tag line, etc.

Consider this suggestion 472,688,345 for the next upcoming upgrade (version4)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Steven Alford wrote:
Well that's just silly!!
Why would I want the header text to say the name of my shop when the logo that I added already does that??? Why not give us the opportunity to change this text to say what we want, like a tag line, etc.

Consider this suggestion 472,688,345 for the next upcoming upgrade (version4)

You can do that. This is what Shopping Cart Designer is for. I think you keep forgetting which program to use for which feature. Time to re-read the manuals Steven. :)
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User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

Scott, that was my origianl question; How do you change the header text in SCDP? I cannot figure out how to change it. You can hide it, but you can't change what it says, "My Shop"

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