Looks good Shaheed. I want to ask how you got your FAQ page to show in the Nav bar instead of it being displayed in the dropdown with other pages.

Bren wrote:
Looks good Shaheed. I want to ask how you got your FAQ page to show in the Nav bar instead of it being displayed in the dropdown with other pages.
Looks good Shaheed. I want to ask how you got your FAQ page to show in the Nav bar instead of it being displayed in the dropdown with other pages.

Under "Your Shop" "Pages" tab, "Homepage (Optional)"
Select "Use Pages tool and enter my own content"
Now in the pages view click on Home in the Basic info and edit the name Home which is the default to what you want. It will now appear in your nav menu.

I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
Eric Rohloff (Rolly) wrote:
Under "Your Shop" "Pages" tab, "Homepage (Optional)"
Select "Use Pages tool and enter my own content"
Now in the pages view click on Home in the Basic info and edit the name Home which is the default to what you want. It will now appear in your nav menu.
Bren wrote:
Looks good Shaheed. I want to ask how you got your FAQ page to show in the Nav bar instead of it being displayed in the dropdown with other pages.
Looks good Shaheed. I want to ask how you got your FAQ page to show in the Nav bar instead of it being displayed in the dropdown with other pages.

Under "Your Shop" "Pages" tab, "Homepage (Optional)"
Select "Use Pages tool and enter my own content"
Now in the pages view click on Home in the Basic info and edit the name Home which is the default to what you want. It will now appear in your nav menu.

Thank you very much Rolly. I just tested this on my test shop, and it worked. Have CC put you on the payroll yet?

Now to work out what to use this additional page for... hmmm. It's nice when you find another little thing in your CC software.

Sorry for interrupting your thread Shaheed.

Oh, sorry guys, missed this.
No prob!
No prob!

Rolly (or anyone) , I hope you can help me out, here.
Redesigning my site and want to add the slideshow in again... for the life of me, I cant figure out what I did before to get it to work
You can check my site live and see, the code is actually showing up on the site. I thought, before, I had just forgotten to remove those 3 brackets on either side when I copied and pasted your codes. I know, so simple, lol, but that doesnt seem to be it this time...
Here's what Im contemplating...
Maybe I need to remove the spotlight image in SCDP?
Maybe I should have uploaded the files for the slideshow into my root directory (i created a folder for it)?
Im copying and pasting this code wrong again?
Maybe Im copying the wrong code... or not copying enough of it ( just viewed the .index file for the slideshow in my browser and did view source)?
Maybe there are some more files I need to copy into somewhere? (ok, vague, but im lost here)
Im lost. Any help is appreciated, as always. Heres my site: www.creative-motivations.com
Redesigning my site and want to add the slideshow in again... for the life of me, I cant figure out what I did before to get it to work

You can check my site live and see, the code is actually showing up on the site. I thought, before, I had just forgotten to remove those 3 brackets on either side when I copied and pasted your codes. I know, so simple, lol, but that doesnt seem to be it this time...
Here's what Im contemplating...
Maybe I need to remove the spotlight image in SCDP?
Maybe I should have uploaded the files for the slideshow into my root directory (i created a folder for it)?
Im copying and pasting this code wrong again?
Maybe Im copying the wrong code... or not copying enough of it ( just viewed the .index file for the slideshow in my browser and did view source)?
Maybe there are some more files I need to copy into somewhere? (ok, vague, but im lost here)
Im lost. Any help is appreciated, as always. Heres my site: www.creative-motivations.com
ok, now im back to the red rectangle, sigh.
I am having trouble getting my slideshow to show up in the spotlight area. I am adding the HTML to the area on the homepage in SCCP that allows HTML. I am trying two different codes that Rolly provided me. I did this once before, but it was a while back and I cant recall what steps I took to make it work.
Here is the original thread with more info:
***Edit*** *This post has been moved to the original post. - SirAGE*
I am posting a new thread because Im not getting any feedback or support on the old thread and really need help ASAP because my site is live with the errors.
So here's my situation...
I have a slide show generated by visualslideshow.com yes, Im using the free version, because I am not ready to commit to the paid version until I can be sure it will work correctly.
My problem is... the slideshow isnt showing up correctly in the spotlight area.
Here are the various manifestations of it:
-Just shows actual html code, no slideshow.
-Shows a red rectangle (background?) and the "frame" of the slide show.
-Shows slideshow + red rectangle but its BELOW the spotlight area, overlapping the text and rest of the page.
What I've tried:
-I tried removing the actual spotlight image in SCDP, that didnt help.
What I'm thinking:
-The dimensions of the slideshow or the code that surround the slideshow html needs to be adjusted
-The padding/borders of the spotlight area need to be adjusted in SCDP
-Im copying and pasting this code wrong again?
-Maybe Im copying the wrong code... or not copying enough of it ( just viewed the .index file for the slideshow in my browser and did view source)?
-Maybe there are some more files I need to copy into somewhere? (ok, vague, but im lost here)
Help is really appreciated.
This is the wife, Ke'lona, btw, lol. Not Shaheed.
Here's my site; www.creative-motivations.com
Here is the original thread with more info:
***Edit*** *This post has been moved to the original post. - SirAGE*
I am posting a new thread because Im not getting any feedback or support on the old thread and really need help ASAP because my site is live with the errors.
So here's my situation...
I have a slide show generated by visualslideshow.com yes, Im using the free version, because I am not ready to commit to the paid version until I can be sure it will work correctly.
My problem is... the slideshow isnt showing up correctly in the spotlight area.
Here are the various manifestations of it:
-Just shows actual html code, no slideshow.
-Shows a red rectangle (background?) and the "frame" of the slide show.
-Shows slideshow + red rectangle but its BELOW the spotlight area, overlapping the text and rest of the page.
What I've tried:
-I tried removing the actual spotlight image in SCDP, that didnt help.
What I'm thinking:
-The dimensions of the slideshow or the code that surround the slideshow html needs to be adjusted
-The padding/borders of the spotlight area need to be adjusted in SCDP
-Im copying and pasting this code wrong again?
-Maybe Im copying the wrong code... or not copying enough of it ( just viewed the .index file for the slideshow in my browser and did view source)?
-Maybe there are some more files I need to copy into somewhere? (ok, vague, but im lost here)
Help is really appreciated.
This is the wife, Ke'lona, btw, lol. Not Shaheed.

Here's my site; www.creative-motivations.com
Put your slide show code on a html page all by itself then code an iframe into your shops page to call the show. This makes it easier because you can use one of the many examples that are provided on the net and save the html pages almost as is. Ftp it and all the files to the server, code the iframe into your shop and presto changeo you have a slide show.

I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
OMG, this sounds so simple, but Im totally about to be googling my arse off to figure out what it all means, lol. Thank you, Rolly, youre my hero.... now, I know these are dumb questions, but it would probably take me hours to figure out exactly what you mean. And Im sorry Im so dense on all of this, I swear, I am googling and researching and trying to figure it out... but its hard to find things specific to CC, so if you can refine your guidance just a teeny bit, I will be forever grateful...
So, put the code on an html page by itself. Ok, so, do you mean "add" another page on SCCP, use the html button on SCCP and put the code there?
When I google to look up examples on the net, like you said, am I googling "slide show html" or using one of the awesome codes you already gave me and then googling something about the "iframe?" Please just guide me in what search terms I should be using, a little unclear on that part.
"Code the iframe into my shop" ...ill understand what that means when I google iframe or something right? Ive heard of it (mostly about fb pages) but am a bit unclear on what they are/how they work. (doh!)
Lastly, please forgive me for all these questions, I swear Im a laughing stock of ineptitude on here... I get that Im doing the HTML for the actual slideshow on a diff page... but how exactly do I direct it to the spotlight area with the iframe? Or I should ask "where"... what I mean is, is the proper place to direct the slideshow (in order to get it into the spotlight area) to the "homepage?" cuz when I was trying to put it in the text area (via the html button) on the "Homepage" in SCCP it kept ending up floating on top of the text BELOW the spotlight area. It seemed like there was some other place I was supposed to be putting/directing the HTML than the homepage. Probably an enormously stupid question, I know. But I do appreciate your help and will totally buy you a frappucino if youre ever in Wichita, KS. I promise.
Thank you in advance.
So, put the code on an html page by itself. Ok, so, do you mean "add" another page on SCCP, use the html button on SCCP and put the code there?
When I google to look up examples on the net, like you said, am I googling "slide show html" or using one of the awesome codes you already gave me and then googling something about the "iframe?" Please just guide me in what search terms I should be using, a little unclear on that part.
"Code the iframe into my shop" ...ill understand what that means when I google iframe or something right? Ive heard of it (mostly about fb pages) but am a bit unclear on what they are/how they work. (doh!)
Lastly, please forgive me for all these questions, I swear Im a laughing stock of ineptitude on here... I get that Im doing the HTML for the actual slideshow on a diff page... but how exactly do I direct it to the spotlight area with the iframe? Or I should ask "where"... what I mean is, is the proper place to direct the slideshow (in order to get it into the spotlight area) to the "homepage?" cuz when I was trying to put it in the text area (via the html button) on the "Homepage" in SCCP it kept ending up floating on top of the text BELOW the spotlight area. It seemed like there was some other place I was supposed to be putting/directing the HTML than the homepage. Probably an enormously stupid question, I know. But I do appreciate your help and will totally buy you a frappucino if youre ever in Wichita, KS. I promise.

Thank you in advance.
Here I finally updated my page. I'm tied up in soccer these days.

http://progrower.coffeecup.com/shop/vie … groupid=31

http://progrower.coffeecup.com/shop/vie … groupid=31
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
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