I even read through the Help PDF but could not find any information about the above subject. I there a way to have the thumbnail images to appear horizontally rather than vertically?
I can only see the way to set the thumbnail width in the Pro Designer, but no way to set both height and width. Even setting the width to a greater size, the height increases in the same ratio of a one to one.
The images are displayed vertically or stacked one over another. I would like it if the images were displayed horizontally and/or beside the product description.
Here's how one item appears in my SCC cart:
http://www.myneatstuff.com/viewitem.php … ductid=873
The same product as listed on Highwire, formally Buy It Sell It:
http://sallycp.mybisi.com/product/light … e-necklace
IMO, the Highwire layout is more attractive. Anything like this possible with SCD Pro? I haven't worked with SCD Pro enough to know it's features.
Here's how one item appears in my SCC cart:
http://www.myneatstuff.com/viewitem.php … ductid=873
The same product as listed on Highwire, formally Buy It Sell It:
http://sallycp.mybisi.com/product/light … e-necklace
IMO, the Highwire layout is more attractive. Anything like this possible with SCD Pro? I haven't worked with SCD Pro enough to know it's features.
IMO, the Highwire layout is more attractive.
I agree.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Thanks Tom. For now I'm grandfathered in with Highwire for $9.95 per month as a Buy It Sell It subscriber. Once the unknown grandfather period runs out, my store will go up to $50.00 per month. At that time off to the cyberland bone-yard with my store so most of my Online eggs will be in my SCC store basket. Hopefully we'll soon have SCC Pro and more features with SCD Pro.
Shopping Cart Designer is an ongoing development, as is Cart Creator. At later stages there will be opportunities to enhance and refine the programs to allow users to have more flexibility in how they deploy the products. The current focus is on getting the long awaited pro version of Cart Creator onto the streets.
Now I see what you mean. This just means that you have to reduce the size of the thumbnails slightly so that the total padding, margins, borders and actual thumbnail do not exceed the size of the larger image. I discovered that by accident. So I now have the larger image with the thumbnails in pairs underneath.
Check out this page:
So yes - in answer to the original question. It is possible in the Designer Pro to position the thumbnails horizontally in pairs by adjusting the size of the larger image and the thumbnails (and borders, padding and margins) to make sure both areas of image content occupy the same number of pixels in total.
And - you can lock the ratio of the larger image or not. This makes it possible to create a horizontal shaped image if you prefer, but just remember that this will also affect the ratio of the thumbnails underneath and will have effect on all images throughout the store.
Check out this page:
So yes - in answer to the original question. It is possible in the Designer Pro to position the thumbnails horizontally in pairs by adjusting the size of the larger image and the thumbnails (and borders, padding and margins) to make sure both areas of image content occupy the same number of pixels in total.
And - you can lock the ratio of the larger image or not. This makes it possible to create a horizontal shaped image if you prefer, but just remember that this will also affect the ratio of the thumbnails underneath and will have effect on all images throughout the store.
Now I see what you mean. This just means that you have to reduce the size of the thumbnails slightly so that the total padding, margins, borders and actual thumbnail do not exceed the size of the larger image. I discovered that by accident. So I now have the larger image with the thumbnails in pairs underneath.
Check out this page:
Thanks Janys, it took me a few days to get back to my image problem. I've been busy will Flash Search and my cart. When you talked about thumbnails I was thinking about the dimensions of my images as I inserted them into their product page. A day or so ago I was using SCD Pro and stumbled onto image size in the product page and the light went on as I remembered your post. I adjusted the size of the thumbnails and now they are two across under the larger image Now my product page looks 100% better. Thank you!
Check out this page:
Thanks Janys, it took me a few days to get back to my image problem. I've been busy will Flash Search and my cart. When you talked about thumbnails I was thinking about the dimensions of my images as I inserted them into their product page. A day or so ago I was using SCD Pro and stumbled onto image size in the product page and the light went on as I remembered your post. I adjusted the size of the thumbnails and now they are two across under the larger image Now my product page looks 100% better. Thank you!
Sally. Just took a look at your site and found how you made everything fit neatly there... pleased you worked it out!

Thanks again for your help Janys.
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