Problem with Shopping Cart Designer Pro
I have both shopping cart creator and shopping cart designer pro. Shopping cart designer pro is stating that shopping cart creator is not installed when I try to export, is there anything I can do to fix this problem.
Is Shopping Cart Creator installed and is it installed to the default locations?
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No it's not installed to the defalt location
That is most likely the cause then, so I would suggest installing it to the default location.
If you can't, then you will just need to export the SCT file and manually copy it to the proper locations.

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Thanks Scott, I am able to export now:)
I have a problem with Problem with Shopping Cart Designer Pro.
I created some themes with Shopping Cart Designer Basic a while back & inserted backgrounds to the "contents properties"
I have now upgraded to Shopping Cart Designer Pro & un-installed Shopping Cart Designer Basic.
Shopping Cart Designer Pro is great to edit absolutely everything (or so I thought!)
Shopping Cart Designer Pro does not have a "contents property" it is split up into little bits, so I could not remove the background I had put into the pages.
I had to re-install Shopping Cart Designer Basic, downgrade all my themes edit the "contents property", then upgrade back again. 
Surely this should not be nessesary for a program designed to edit absolutely everything.
I created some themes with Shopping Cart Designer Basic a while back & inserted backgrounds to the "contents properties"
I have now upgraded to Shopping Cart Designer Pro & un-installed Shopping Cart Designer Basic.
Shopping Cart Designer Pro is great to edit absolutely everything (or so I thought!)

Shopping Cart Designer Pro does not have a "contents property" it is split up into little bits, so I could not remove the background I had put into the pages.

Surely this should not be nessesary for a program designed to edit absolutely everything. - My Florist Shop. - My Wooden Toy Shop.
I use CoffeeCup HTML Editor, WIS, Direct ftp, Sitemapper, Website Insite & RED Personal to create my websites.
Send your parcels with Despatch Bay! Signup using this code and get £10.00 worth of free shipping - My Wooden Toy Shop.
I use CoffeeCup HTML Editor, WIS, Direct ftp, Sitemapper, Website Insite & RED Personal to create my websites.
Send your parcels with Despatch Bay! Signup using this code and get £10.00 worth of free shipping
In Shopping Cart Designer Pro, go to the "Page Properties" drop down list and then you will see the option under "Central Area Background".
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Sorry Scott,
I must be blind.
Should have gone to Specavers. 
That's even better than before. "Central Area Background" and "Main Content Area Background"
I must be blind.

That's even better than before. "Central Area Background" and "Main Content Area Background" - My Florist Shop. - My Wooden Toy Shop.
I use CoffeeCup HTML Editor, WIS, Direct ftp, Sitemapper, Website Insite & RED Personal to create my websites.
Send your parcels with Despatch Bay! Signup using this code and get £10.00 worth of free shipping - My Wooden Toy Shop.
I use CoffeeCup HTML Editor, WIS, Direct ftp, Sitemapper, Website Insite & RED Personal to create my websites.
Send your parcels with Despatch Bay! Signup using this code and get £10.00 worth of free shipping
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