A sneak peak into Shopping Cart...

User 38401 Photo

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Thanks Eric,

No worries guys, I'm not offended at all. One thing though Jim, you haven't said what you were actually waiting for yet. It's hard to visualize what might or might not work for you if we don't know what to help with. Just food for thought, I am a tester and the most I can do is what I've said so far, but I might be able to at least tell you if it's worth the effort for you if I know what you're waiting on :P

Trust me, we're all waiting on it, especially those of us that have been testing it. Even worse for us I think because it's in our hands and still not usable lol. Anyways, give us some idea of what is holding you back so we can give you some feedback on some possibilities if there are any :)
User 2641572 Photo

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Only Scott is permitted to tell you what the full feature list will be Jim. All I can tell you, as one of the beta testing group, is that there are now more features than originally appeared within the first beta. There have also been major revisions to the code to improve the overall functionality of the program, since the first beta.

None of the above statements help you with wanting the program to use now, neither will they give you the extra features you need to use immediately to get your shop up. There are unfortunately no current workarounds to some of the features that will appear in the pro version, so its going to be a question of sitting tight for a little bit longer and doing as much groundwork as you can beforehand. Getting your images and item descriptions ready, weighing individual items and working out shipping costs for user defined weight bands etc. will all save you masses of time when the product finally hits the streets.
User 1924730 Photo

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The problem is that we can only hold on a limited amount of time to the dangling rope - as it were.

I have been holding back for many, many months waiting for what I am sure, without doubt, will be a wonderful program.

As a programmer for 20+ years myself I know how long it can take to get from start to finish (is there ever really a finish for programing?).

But the problem as a user is that we have to be in business and making money to survive. If the resouce is not available from one company, no matter how good it is going to be, eventually we have to bite the bullet and move on to someone that can provide it.

I, and it appears many others, are nearly ready to let go of that dangling rope and move on.

I can appreciate that behind the scenes a lot of work is being put in and everyone is trying to pull together. But in a commercial enviroment eventually we can't all wait, wait and wait some more for the wonderful thing that is around the corner.

Personally I can not wait another 4 months (or even 1) or I will not be able to pay bills, a few more weeks yes.

At least you are in the position of people wanting your product, which must always be a good thing. But there must be a time when a suitable version could be released with an upgrade following a month or so later. I am sure most people would be happy with that and you would keep your client base.

The first release of software is never perfect and we all realise that, no matter how much beta testing is completed. But a usable product is better than none.

I am sure that all the above is already understood. My ranting on can not possibly speed up the release of the program. But at least I have vented my frustration for the time being :)
User 2641572 Photo

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kilabyte wrote:
The problem is that we can only hold on a limited amount of time to the dangling rope - as it were.

I, and it appears many others, are nearly ready to let go of that dangling rope and move on.

Unfortunately some of us have already had to take that route, due to pressing commercial considerations. :|

The pro version will probably be one of the most powerful 'straight to processor' solutions available when it finally hits the streets. For those can can afford to wait for a little longer, it will represent a good long term investment.

To those without direct programming experience, software development can be a difficult and frustrating process, that is impossible to put a definitve timescale on. Even 'simple' alterations can take many hours of coding to implement. The team are pushing hard behind the scenes to get the product right.
User 597929 Photo

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And, in all honesty, the customer base that is going to be happy with a product that's released trouble-free whenever it's released will probably be far, far larger than the few who can't wait.
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User 157034 Photo

208 posts

I posted sometime before Christmas about waiting until Pro was right and although I check it out expectantly every day, I don't worry too much if Pro hasn't arrived... it will eventually and every day is a day nearer the big day! If it was anything but a shopping cart, my views might be different but carts are one piece of software that needs to be right.
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User 562592 Photo

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Read this post here

http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/suggest … post109086

It is exactly why this product needs to be as good as possible, and why we should all remain patient.
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.

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User 1966296 Photo

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I have a question about the actual product :D

I see that I may be able to ship by weight in Pro, cool.
Does this mean I can sell by weight straight up?

if I sell sand then can I create just 1 product for the four sizes of sand that I sell?

hope so

the sand business is gonna be huge this year!

User 562592 Photo

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I believe this will be a feature of the pro version. I am not sure if it will be in the initial release (we have not been given the feature set yet), or the follow-up upgrade.
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.

My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).

My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com

User 38401 Photo

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*tries soooooooo hard to say something, but it just won't come out!* LOL

Sorry, saying anything at all on this gives away an issue that hasn't been covered by Scott anywhere or hinted at much yet. But you can take a look at the screenshots he posted in the beginning of this thread. This should take you right to the start and show you quite a bit about the weight based system :)

http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/shoppin … post100115

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