SCCP allows you to put in custom content at the top of each category. Use SCDP (SC Designer Pro) to set the category image to 0 pixels and 0 border. Effectively, it disappears. You can then put your custom content on the pages (I input all html for mine). Don't put any products in the category and voila! There's your extra page!
What about images? If you use html for the description, you can upload your images to the server and include them in your html.
You can see the site where I put this to use.
And, by the way, let me say thanks to those who made comments regarding the design. They were VERY helpful. I still plan on incorporating two more of the suggestions but I need to get the site live first. If anyone has other suggestions, the thread is here: … bfsealcom/
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
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Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/