Digital Downloads - Page 2

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

As soon(ish) it's ready, it will be implemented. :)

I'm hoping the new form builder will be released first (you think you've been waiting long). :P
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 411087 Photo

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In other words... could be tomorrow... could be 5 years from now! I't would be nice to at least know what sort of general time frame we are looking at. Why not announce what will be pushed out in the next upgrade? :P
User 509755 Photo

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47 posts

I second Terry Marshall's sentiments.

CC is typically very responsive and friendly, but Scott you guys are being conspicuously and uncharacteristically opaque on this whole digital download functionality feature issue. And then you suggest that a new form builder is what we're all hankering for? No. We're not salivating for a new form builder. We want a shopping cart where we can sell digital products. And we want you guys to be more forthcoming with your plans. A dismissive "Soon" post 7 months ago isn't cutting it.

Right now you make Apple look like paragons of openness. If you're having a tough time figuring out how to do it, let us know. We'll understand and we'll cheer you on. Afraid that you're going to have to charge a higher price point than normal in order to include and develop the features that we need? Talk to us about it. You might be surprised at how flexible many of us are willing to be.

The conclusion I am taking from your loud silence on this feature is that you are years away from figuring this out, and that the whole effort has likely become a giant fiasco but you don't want to share this with us because we might then all just throw our hands up in frustration and then go out and finally invest in a competitor's existing digital download product or subscription that actually works, and turn our backs on CC.

I suppose that scenario could happen, but it's unlikely. I wish you all had more trust and interest in us as customer-partners. Let us in a bit. Share your roadmap, share your frustrations, share your successes and your eurekas. We're not fair-weather sailors. But we're in the doldrums with you right now and we have no idea where the good ship Digital Product is going. This is clearly getting quite confusing and disheartening for many of us.
Paul MacMartin
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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As with anything in life, certain things have to take priority over another and we are forced to make some tough decisions that we feel are in the best interest of CoffeeCup and our customers. While we wish we could accommodate each and every request for new features, it is just not always feasible. Yes, I do agree that digital downloads are an absolute must for Shopping Cart Creator and I know it will definitely be included at one point or another. I just hate to ever commit to any time frame (been down that sad road before) and give anyone false hopes or expectations.

Shopping Cart Creator while it may lack some features, it is more or less very stable and functional. I am sure we all have opinions on this matter, but the program is going to stay as is for a while. Right now we are concentrating more on getting Form Builder and other Flash programs converted over to HTML5 (it is the future), really enhancing S-Drive and releasing our Macintosh software. That is where we see the future of CoffeeCup going.

So there it is... ;)

As always, we still welcome and appreciate all of our customers and please do continue to voice your opinions, questions and concerns. We are always listening. ;)

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User 509755 Photo

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47 posts

I appreciate that, Scott. That is helpful feedback for me. At this point then I will likely look into a solution such as PayPal for now. It will cost me 5%+ for now, but when Shopping Cart Creator comes out with the digital download feature, hopefully I will be able to drop that percentage significantly. It doesn't sound like this will be soon, but at least it helps me create a better road map of my own so I can integrate SCC later on but not worry about when that will be for now.

Thank you for sharing your thinking. It is refreshing. Even if I'm not stoked about the takeaway.
Paul MacMartin
User 1936325 Photo

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32 posts

Yep, I thought it would still be a while before downloads were implemented. So I am asking JAGWEB7 who posted back in Jul 26, what are the other pieces of software that you have discovered that handle digital downloads. I have tried and failed with linklok because of the weird way SCC works with Paypal. Apparently SCC does not conform to 3rd party protocols & overides IPN & autoreturn settings on Paypal which are needed for linklok to work. Do you know if any of these programs will integrate with SCC or do I have to ditch coffeecup. When I made my own shop from scratch I was using buy now buttons for each software product which redirected the customer to a specific download page for each product purchased. A bit clumsy because only one product could be purchased at a time, but it worked quite well. However my skills at creating a shop was lacking and I decided to go for SCC because it looks so much better than my feable attempts. I was thinking that maybe within 12months there would be a download feature available. Oh Well, bad decision on my part, now I am stuck with it and can't really go back. I have not made a single sale of my software since I converted to SCC. I guess customers want the product immedietely, not wait for me to respond by sending them an e-mail with the program attached. As an alternate I just thought of while writing this. I could re-create a Paypal buy now button on my software site as before, which will redirect them to a download page & also have a redirect button to my shop should they choose to purchase other stuff I have that are physical products. It may mean the customer will have to use paypal twice to purchase multiple items but that is better than not making any more sales, consider it done. CC, I did mention it before somewhere else, but I don't think anyone would mind if the digital download option is made available as an add on for a marginal cost. Then those that want it can spend a little more money & those that don't want it don't have to pay for something they don't want.
User 411087 Photo

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31 posts

Still wondering about the digital download feature to be added to SCCP. My original post relative to the digital downloads feature was posted in Feb (BEEN ALMOST A YEAR NOW). Hopefully, now that the new form builder is completed, maybe the digital downloads feature in SCCP can be moved up the priority list!!! Any Comments?
User 2169361 Photo

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3 posts

Just want to chime in that digital goods capability is paramount. I like SCC. A lot. I don't want to change - but I HAVE to have this functionality soon, or I have to switch software. I've been "lurking" on this thread fro a year now - and I'm sure I'm sure I'm one of many. PLEASE make this a priority!
User 1936325 Photo

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32 posts

Hey Don, You are 100% correct. There are many waiting for this functionality & like you, I just had to have it so I bought another piece of software called Linklok from Vibralogix that allows me to offer digital downloads seperate to my physical goods. It co-exists with the shopping cart but sells the Digital goods seperately. So you can't actually buy physicals goods & download my software in the one sale from Paypal. I found it a good work around for the time being and as you will see if you visit my shop, I do tell my customers what the deal is, so they can choose to buy & download immediately or buy my software along with physical goods & I can send them the files by e-mail later.
It is not perfect but it will get your goods sold. I just made my software page look a little different to the shop & I actually think it looks better.
Check it out & see if it is worth your trouble to do the same for the time being.
The website for the software is
PS. Of course if CC ever finally release a downloadable feature, I will ditch Linklok. I have said in the past that they should make this feature available as an add on for a little extra cost. I paid $29 for Linklok & I would be prepared to pay the same for CC's equivelent product.
User 7842 Photo

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13 posts


So are you saying that you designed your cart in CC and then linked the buttons to Linklok tool?


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