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User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

because text added to the HTML Tool needs styling and you aren't telling it what css style codes to use and it's therefore unstyled. There is no reason at all to add text using the <p> tags unless you're planning for it to be specially styled or doing some weird font or sizing that isn't available in the program itself.

When you're typing out your pararaphs for your pages within SCC you just type on the pages, don't add it to the HTML Tool setup, it's not necessary.
User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

If you guys remember one of my previous threads, I was having problems with text in the text box on the Home page. I added HTML to add photos to the page. It screwed the whole page up and ran all the paragraphs together. You and Tom showed me what HTML to add to fix it.

I am still confused as to why when you add HTML to a page and it has [[[ at the beginning and ]]] at the end, virtually surrounding the HTML and isolating it from the rest of the page (isn't that what it is supposed to do?) that it should have any affect on the rest of the text that has nothing to do with the HTML added.

What ever created those problems must be creating these new problems with the 2 different fonts in the same page. Sounds like a bug in the software to me. I am sure I did not add anything to the text box to tell it to use 2 different fonts.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Ok I guess maybe we need to specify exactly how you added the text that is on the pages in question. Did you type the text and let the css file created by the program style it, or did you put the text inside the <p></p> tags within the HTML Tool?

The right way to put text on the page would be to just type it, not use the HTML Tool for just putting text in.

Did you put "some" of the text in the HTML Tool and some is typed on the page itself?

How exactly did you input the text on the page(s) is the first question to get settled.

I'm off to bed so if it's not straightened out when I get up then I'll see what I can help with then, have a good night guys :)
User 193638 Photo

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557 posts

I typed the text into the box. When it comes to the HTML I also typed that into the box and applied the brackets myself. I did not use the HTML insert tool. It was stated by others that it is not necessary to do so as long as you put the brackets around the html code.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Ok so, the next question is, "what" part of the page(s) did you type into the box to show as is and "what" part did you put the html brackets around?

In other words, lets take this main index.html page to work with and tell me how you entered the 2 sections of text below:

Taken from the 2nd paragraph that runs together yet has 2 different text sizes in it.
Larger text
One of our hottest sellers is the Bonsai Tool Chest. It is all handcrafted from wormy maple and red oak. The doors are carved with a computer operated router machine (The Carvewright).
Smaller text
The tool chest is large enough to store all your tools, your wire and even a pot or two. There is a turntable attached to the top of the chest that allows you to easily work on your tree while your tools are right at hand. And yet it is small enough and light enough to take to the next workshop. Makes an awesome Christmas or Birthday gift for that bonsai enthusiast in your family!

THE EASIEST way to show us what you have exactly would be to open the program, copy the entire text of the page (a details product page would be fine, or the home page would be great because it has a lot of variances in it) and then paste it here for us to see exactly how you have it.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Just be consistent in how you add text.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

Ok, here goes. This is the copied text off of the Home page. Any of the paragraph breaks were added per Tom and Jo Ann's recommendation to get the breaks needed.

Welcome to S & S Bonsai

Welcome, and we hope you enjoy your stay. Peruse to your hearts content through our product pages. Whether you are looking for a bonsai tool chest for your expensive tools, a bonsai tree, a bonsai pot for that favorite tree or a stand to place it on at your next bonsai show; we have a lot to choose from.

One of our hottest sellers is the Bonsai Tool Chest. It is all handcrafted from wormy maple and red oak. The doors are carved with a computer operated router machine (The Carvewright). The tool chest is large enough to store all your tools, your wire and even a pot or two. There is a turntable attached to the top of the chest that allows you to easily work on your tree while your tools are right at hand. And yet it is small enough and light enough to take to the next workshop. Makes an awesome Christmas or Birthday gift for that bonsai enthusiast in your family!

[[[<div><h2><CENTER><b>Bonsai Tool Chest</b><CENTER></h2><CENTER><img border="0" src="\images\toolchest1.JPG" alt="Bonsai Tool Chest" width="304" height="228"/><CENTER></div><br />]]]And don't forget to check out our Bonsai Record Keeper. We searched high and low for a system to keep track of what you did and when you did it to your bonsai trees. We found nothing. There are several computer software programs out there but that seemed rather over doing it to us. Who carries a computer out to their greenhouse or bonsai display? So we decided to develop a system of our own. We think you will like it; easy, comprehensive and portable. [[[<p><br />]]][[[<div><h2><b>Bonsai Record Keeper</b></h2><img border="0" src="\images\reckeeper4.jpg" alt="Bonsai Record Keeper" width="200" height="300"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img border="0" src="\images\reckeeper2.JPG" alt="Bonsai Record Keeper Box" width="278" height="212"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img border="0" src="\images\reckeeper3.JPG" alt="Bonsai Record Keeper Parts" width="278" height="212"</div><br /><br />]]]We also sell bonsai trees. Though our specialty is tropicals, we are very fortunate to be in a State (Colorado and Wyoming) that has a lot of evergreen conifers that can be harvested from the wild (known as Yamadori in the bonsai world). Most of the conifers that we carry are pre-bonsai (you get the fun of designing them into a true bonsai style). Most have been in our possession for two or three years so they are well established. [[[<p><br />]]]Please be aware that the items we carry (tool chest, pots and stands) are all handcrafted in the USA by yours truly and are NOT made in China, therefore our prices are going to be a little more than what you might normally see on the Internet (of the chinese made variety, anyway). Also, our product line of pots is going to appear a little different from what you see in a bonsai store or online. Simply because we feel our pots are “homemade”. We are not a 30-man outfit with several assembly line operations. We are two old farts doing this by ourselves with our own two hands, well actually four hands. This is by no means mass production. [[[<p><br />]]][[[<div><CENTER><img border="0" src="\images\Animated_Made_In_America_Text_Neon-1BLK.gif" alt="Made In USA" width="400" height="80"/><CENTER></div><br />]]]Even though we strive to be as perfect as we can be, you will still see little imperfections in our work. Nothing that will detract from the value of the pot or stand, just something that will give it character. And in the art of bonsai, isn't character what it is all about? So expect those little dimples and paint blemishes in your piece, knowing that if YOU made the pot yourself, it would probably look the same. [[[<p><br />]]]On the other pages of this website you will see our online store, our gallery of photos and a section of bonsai care sheets in Adobe PDF format so that you can easily download and print them. (Click on the above Adobe link to download the PDF reader if you do not already have it installed on your computer). [[[<p><br />]]]
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Ok I can see a few things wrong here that is most likely what some of the issues may be. And this one is probably the culprit as it doesn't know it's supposed to end.

<center> needs a closing tag, and only one <center></center> pair are needed an entire selection will be centered. Lets start with this selection of code you have first:

[[[<div><h2><CENTER><b>Bonsai Tool Chest</b><CENTER></h2><CENTER><img border="0" src="\images\toolchest1.JPG" alt="Bonsai Tool Chest" width="304" height="228"/><CENTER></div><br />]]]

As you can see there are no closing </center> tags in that code at all so the site is probably confused to start with as to where to start and stop the centering and is probably ignoring half of it. This code should look like this:

[[[<div><h2><CENTER><b>Bonsai Tool Chest</b></h2><img border="0" src="\images\toolchest1.JPG" alt="Bonsai Tool Chest" width="304" height="228"/></CENTER></div><br />]]]

Since you have no breaks between the <h2></h2> tags and the image, you only need one set of center tags instead of 2 and I have changed the last one to be a closing one.

Go through your home page code and see where you might have center tags that don't have the closing tags. It looks like you have the closing tag setup, but just forgot to put the forward slash in so it ended up being a lot of start tags for the centering instead.

Try that first and lets see how that goes.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

[[[<p><br />]]] This stuff here shouldn't be needed at all, you should be able to just hit your enter key to insert line breaks between your paragraphs. Is this what you were saying would not work before where the line breaks kept disappearing? If so then I totally misunderstood what you meant as I thought you meant that the line breaks between code was disappearing so I was picturing this:

You entered this:
<CENTER><b>Bonsai Tool Chest</b><CENTER></h2>
<CENTER><img border="0" src="\images\toolchest1.JPG" alt="Bonsai Tool Chest" width="304" height="228"/><CENTER></div><br />]]]

And it would then come out like this on restart:
[[[<div><h2><CENTER><b>Bonsai Tool Chest</b><CENTER></h2><CENTER><img border="0" src="\images\toolchest1.JPG" alt="Bonsai Tool Chest" width="304" height="228"/><CENTER></div><br />]]]

If you meant that the actual text itself was losing it's line breaks then you have a definite issue as that should not be happening. None of the paragraph or line breaks tags should be needed outside the code you're adding images and centering text with.
User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

Thank you Jo Ann.
I was not aware that the / was a closing symbol for the center. I actually copied and pasted that from the HTML school online that Scott sent me to.

I will try that and see what I get.


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