How do I apply a Volume Discount?

User 2078068 Photo

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20 posts

if a customer buys more than 3 items, I would like to apply a discount. is there a way to tie the discount to the number of items in the cart?

Thank you,
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Hi Bob sorry there is no way to do this with in the application itself. It is a highly requested feature. From what I have heard there are no near future plans to update this app. Maybe in the future they will find a way to work it into RSD as components. But you probably won't see a responsive shopping cart for a long time. Who knows maybe CC will reprioritize this if enough people ask them too.
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User 187934 Photo

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You may be able to use some JQuery to hide and show products based on a number input. It would take a fair amount of customization.
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User 2393299 Photo

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Question: It was suggested to me that it is possible to upload 2 or 3 separate shops which would work for me but while it is possible to save shop under different names uploading seem to go into same location all the time..??

How do you upload into:

Suggestion: To some degree you can play with shipping and reduce shipping cost for different weight ranges and use this indirectly to discount total price client pays. The bad news on this approach is that client would not know until going to full checkout.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,255 posts

Hi Cintaku,
Click the Server icon at the top.
Select Ftp/Accout if it's not selected.
At the bottom change the Remote Folder: /shop/ to the wanted location for each shop.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
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User 2393299 Photo

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You legend Eric!!

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