I keep getting a screen that i need to obtain the shopping cart designer, which i do not want to do. I simply wish to make my own simplistic page theme without the addition of purchasing more software. Any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks.
Unfortunately you will not be able to make changes to the theme with out the Shopping Cart Designer program. What exactly are you trying to change.
Taking over the world one website at a time!
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Hi Steve!
Thanks for the quick reply. I just wanted to know how i can make a very basic page to place my few products on. I was not aware that I needed both software programs to be able to use the shopping cart creator. I have the VSD program and had assumed that it was enough, combined with the shopping cart program.
Thanks for the quick reply. I just wanted to know how i can make a very basic page to place my few products on. I was not aware that I needed both software programs to be able to use the shopping cart creator. I have the VSD program and had assumed that it was enough, combined with the shopping cart program.
Yea the VSD and Shopping Cart Creator are two separate programs that really don't have anything to do with each other.
Can you maybe provide a link to the shop and explain exactly what you want to change. There are some things you can change on SCC but if its colors, fonts, or and any theme based images you are pretty much stuck with what you get in the theme.
Can you maybe provide a link to the shop and explain exactly what you want to change. There are some things you can change on SCC but if its colors, fonts, or and any theme based images you are pretty much stuck with what you get in the theme.
Taking over the world one website at a time!
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Download the trial version of SCDP and you'll have a few days to get your design the way you want it. For FREE! Be aware, if you want to change it after that, well, cough cough up the money and buy it. But hey, give the trial a run and see what it can do for you! http://www.coffeecup.com/shopping-cart-designer-pro/
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
Yea good call Gunsmoke!
Taking over the world one website at a time!
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
You guys rock! Thank you. I can't provide a link Steve as the site is not live as of yet. I had started a home page in VSD and ignorantly thought that the shopping cart products could have been somehow connected to that page, if that makes sense.
I honestly thought that this was going to be a lot easier. I just wanted to make a background and top header, but from the looks of things, I'm not sure it's going to happen.
BTW you guys have awesome profile pics. You both come across as friendly and approachable, which helps immensely when someone like myself is asking for help.
I honestly thought that this was going to be a lot easier. I just wanted to make a background and top header, but from the looks of things, I'm not sure it's going to happen.
BTW you guys have awesome profile pics. You both come across as friendly and approachable, which helps immensely when someone like myself is asking for help.
BTW I don't care about using a preset theme. A blank background where I can drop a repeated image would work just fine!

You'll find lots of nice folk around these parts. Most of us don't bite to hard as long as you're friendly! If you only have a couple of things to sell, you may not want a full size shop. You can just create a simple page in VSD showing your products and price. Then use the Web Form Builder to take orders. Now, WFB does not allow digital downloads yet, so depends on what you're selling. You could still do it, but you'd need another script to handle the digital download. If that's how you wanna go, let us know. Someone around here can help ya out!

Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
You know what Gunsmoke? I may have to consider that option.
I'll try tinkering with this a little bit more and if I can't get anywhere,
then I'll have to cut my loses with the shopping cart creator and just go with VSD.
I hate to do it, but we'll see how it goes. Thank you both for your help.
Steve if you still have any tips, I'm open to suggestions.
I'll try tinkering with this a little bit more and if I can't get anywhere,
then I'll have to cut my loses with the shopping cart creator and just go with VSD.
I hate to do it, but we'll see how it goes. Thank you both for your help.
Steve if you still have any tips, I'm open to suggestions.
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